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Running Java application in Android Studio

I created new libgdx project and i want to run desktop application in Android Studio. Is there something to do with run configurations? In Eclipse i can just choose Run as Java Application.

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nikoliazekter Avatar asked Jan 04 '15 13:01


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2 Answers

Ok, i did it. Here is the solution https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/wiki/Gradle-and-Intellij-IDEA#running-your-project

Run -> Edit Configurations..., click the plus (+) button and select Application.

Set the Name to Desktop.

Set the field Use classpath of module to desktop, then click on the button of the Main class field and select the DesktopLauncher class.

Set the Working directory to your android/assets/ (or your_project_path/core/assets/) folder!

Click Apply and then OK.

You have now created a run configuration for your desktop project. You can now select the configuration and run it.

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nikoliazekter Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10


Right click on the main method (or anywhere in the main class) and select Run.

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JBaruch Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10
