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Only run task if another isn't UP-TO-DATE in gradle




I want to automatically add a serverRun task when doing functional tests in Gradle, so I add a dependency :


Which results in the task running whether or not the funcTestTask even runs

:funcTestTask (and associate compile tasks... etc)


:compile UP-TO-DATE
:serverRun <-- unnecessary 
:funcTestTask UP-TO-DATE

The cost of starting the server is pretty high and I only want it to start if the functionalTest isn't UP-TO-DATE, I'd like to do or something :

if(!funcTestTask.isUpToDate) {

So I know I can't know the up-to-date status of funcTestTask until all it's inputs/outputs are decided BUT can I inherit it's uptoDate checker?


The alternative is to "doFirst" the ServerRun in the FuncTest, which I believe is generally frowned upon?

funcTestTask.doFirst { serverRun.execute() }

Is there a way to conditionally run a task before another?

Tried settings inputs/outputs the same


and this seems to rerun the server on recompiles (good), skips reruns after successful unchanged functional tests (also good), but wont rerun tests after a failed test like the following

:funcTestTask FAILED


:compile UP-TO-DATE
:serverRun UP-TO-DATE <-- wrong!
:funcTestTask FAILED
like image 864
loosebazooka Avatar asked Jan 16 '15 22:01


Video Answer

1 Answers

Having faced the same problem I found a very clean solution. In my case I want an eclipse project setup to be generated when the build is run, but only at the times when a new jar is generated. No project setup should be executed when the jar is up to date. Here is how one can accomplish that:

tasks.eclipse {
  onlyIf {

build {
  dependsOn tasks.eclipse
like image 55
Oleg Sklyar Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10

Oleg Sklyar