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How do I close all buffers that aren't shown in a window in vim?



I have a horde of buffers open in vim, with only a few of them open in split windows or on other tabs. Is there a way to close all but the ones that are currently visible in one of those splits or tabs?

like image 842
Drew Stephens Avatar asked Oct 07 '09 23:10

Drew Stephens

People also ask

How do I close all buffers in Vim?

Just put it to your . vim/plugin directory and then use :BufOnly command to close all buffers but the active one.

How do I close a window in Vim?

^Wc (or :close[!] ) closes the current window. If the hidden option is set and this is the last window referencing this file, Vim closes the window and the buffer is hidden. If this window is on a tab page and is the last window for that tab page, the window and the tab page are closed.

3 Answers

Yet another take on this. Using the example given in the Vim help for tabpagebuflist() to get a list of the buffers that appear in a tab or window. I have the below in my .vimrc

function! DeleteInactiveBufs()
    "From tabpagebuflist() help, get a list of all buffers in all tabs
    let tablist = []
    for i in range(tabpagenr('$'))
        call extend(tablist, tabpagebuflist(i + 1))

    "Below originally inspired by Hara Krishna Dara and Keith Roberts
    let nWipeouts = 0
    for i in range(1, bufnr('$'))
        if bufexists(i) && !getbufvar(i,"&mod") && index(tablist, i) == -1
        "bufno exists AND isn't modified AND isn't in the list of buffers open in windows and tabs
            silent exec 'bwipeout' i
            let nWipeouts = nWipeouts + 1
    echomsg nWipeouts . ' buffer(s) wiped out'
command! Bdi :call DeleteInactiveBufs()
like image 178
atomicules Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09


Here's an alternative solution you can drop in your .vimrc:

function! Wipeout()
  " list of *all* buffer numbers
  let l:buffers = range(1, bufnr('$'))

  " what tab page are we in?
  let l:currentTab = tabpagenr()
    " go through all tab pages
    let l:tab = 0
    while l:tab < tabpagenr('$')
      let l:tab += 1

      " go through all windows
      let l:win = 0
      while l:win < winnr('$')
        let l:win += 1
        " whatever buffer is in this window in this tab, remove it from
        " l:buffers list
        let l:thisbuf = winbufnr(l:win)
        call remove(l:buffers, index(l:buffers, l:thisbuf))

    " if there are any buffers left, delete them
    if len(l:buffers)
      execute 'bwipeout' join(l:buffers)
    " go back to our original tab page
    execute 'tabnext' l:currentTab

Use :call Wipeout().

like image 33
too much php Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 23:09

too much php

Add this to your .vimrc:

function! CloseHiddenBuffers()
  let i = 0
  let n = bufnr('$')
  while i < n
    let i = i + 1
    if bufloaded(i) && bufwinnr(i) < 0
      exe 'bd ' . i

Then you can do this to close hidden buffers:

:call CloseHiddenBuffers()

(You'll probably want to bind a key or a command to it.)


Here's a version updated to support tab pages. (I don't use tab pages myself, so I hadn't realized that bufwinnr only works for windows on the current page).

function! CloseHiddenBuffers()
  " figure out which buffers are visible in any tab
  let visible = {}
  for t in range(1, tabpagenr('$'))
    for b in tabpagebuflist(t)
      let visible[b] = 1
  " close any buffer that's loaded and not visible
  for b in range(1, bufnr('$'))
    if bufloaded(b) && !has_key(visible, b)
      exe 'bd ' . b
like image 21
Laurence Gonsalves Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 22:09

Laurence Gonsalves