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How do I catch a WebSocket connection interruption?

In Firefox (at least), if you hit ESC, then it will close all open WebSockets connections. I need to capture that disconnection and try to re-connect once it's available again.

Here's an example of the code I've tried to implement, but nothing I can figure out will catch the error and allow me to handle it gracefully.

Have a look at the code: http://jsfiddle.net/w5aAK/

var url = "ws://echo.websocket.org";
    try {
        socket = window['MozWebSocket'] ? new MozWebSocket(url) : new WebSocket(url);
        socket.onopen = function(){
            console.log('Socket is now open.');
        socket.onerror = function (error) {
            console.error('There was an un-identified Web Socket error');
        socket.onmessage = function (message) {
            console.info("Message: %o", message.data);
    } catch (e) {
        console.error('Sorry, the web socket at "%s" is un-available', url);

    socket.send("Hello World");
}, 1000);

Turn on your console and watch the output.

Am I doing something wrong here, or is it just not possible because the connection is running outside of the scope of the JS script?

Any input would be helpful.


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Zach Avatar asked Nov 29 '12 00:11


2 Answers

You can attach a handler to the socket.onclose event. It will be called when you hit ESC and the connection is interrupted.

See: http://jsfiddle.net/w5aAK/1/

One problem that you can't get around at the moment is the interrupted error being output to the console. There's no way of capturing that at the moment I'm afraid.

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leggetter Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10


You can't catch it and it's not your fault. It's FireFox bug. Vote for it here:


I personally tried all kind of solutions:

event handlers onunload onbeforeunload onclose try..catch some js error handling 3rd party services etc.

You can log to console your socket, it's closed before unload, but FF thinks different.. :(

Solution (not answer directly to the answer, but it works):

It's a bug, so you can't catch, but this info is not Solution. After all kind of crazy workarounds and tries to catch that bug, i finally found this working. If you use socket.io to work with WebScokets it can work with different transport technologies. xhr-polling works with Firefox.

if (/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { //test for Firefox/x.x     or Firefox x.x (ignoring remaining digits);
    socket = io.connect('//' + node_server + '/', {
        transports: ['polling']
} else {
    socket = io.connect('//' + node_server + '/');

What helped me - might help you too:

Web Socket support in Node.js/Socket.io for older browser

Define transport types on the client side

socket.io doens't work with transports: [ 'xhr-polling' ]

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Lukas Liesis Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10

Lukas Liesis