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iOS: Authentication using XMLHttpRequest - Handling 401 response

I'm writing an iOS application using PhoneGap (aka Cordova), I have a simple html login page that logs the user in using an XMLHttpRequest with basic authentication over SSL. Everything works splendidly when you enter your username and password correctly. However, if you enter the wrong username/password none of my callbacks are ever called.

If you run the same code on Chrome for example, with the wrong username/password, chrome behaves in a similar manner, except it pops up an authentication challenge dialog. Hitting cancel on chrome's dialog returns control to my javascript code. Unfortunately, on iOS, the UIWebView wont even popup an auth dialog, it just hangs. I need a way to tell the user that they entered the wrong username or password so they can retry.

The closest thing to an answer I could find was this http://www.freelock.com/2008/06/technical-note-http-auth-with-ajax but changing the response status from the server doesn't seem like the right thing to do.

Here's basically what my request code looks like, but when a bad username or password is sent it never reaches my onload callback (in fact the onreadystatechange callback only gets called once and thats for readyState 1, aka OPEN).

var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onload = function(ev) {
    if (req.status == 401) {
        alert("Invalid Username/Password");
    } else if (req.status == 200) {
        window.location.href = some_secure_site;
    } else {
        // edit //
        alert("Some other status");
req.onerror = function (ev) { alert('Error'); };
req.ontimeout = function(ev) { alert('Timeout'); };
req.open('GET', uri, true, userValue, passValue);
req.withCredentials = true;
like image 355
Matthew Levine Avatar asked Jun 14 '12 00:06

Matthew Levine

3 Answers

To solved this problem remove the header WWW-Authenticate from server response.

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Bruno Peres Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10

Bruno Peres

A few things became apparent to me while trying to do this on iOS. One is that iOS has a bug relating to basic auth, so if your password has certain special characters in it you'll never get a response back from your server because your server will never get an authentication challenge. That is, if you're using the username and password field in the "open" method.

My guess is they are doing something stupid like sending it via http://username:[email protected]/etc when they should be using http headers and base64 encoding the creds like so

req.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + base64(username) + ':' + base64(password));

The other thing I learned is that Basic Auth isnt very secure and is prone to a million and one problems. One of which that will annoy you is that the client will cache the username and password, which will override any new values you send via "req.open(...)". Good luck getting around that using javascript alone, you'll have to do some magic in ObjC to clear the cache.

If you have control over your server, I would suggest using token authentication. Connect over SSL and then send a POST with JSON data containing the username and password. The server could then send back JSON data with an authentication token (essentially a bunch of random characters long enough that it can't ever be guessed, a UUID works well. this is generated by the server and can only be known to the client and the server). Then store the token and the username in the keychain so the user doesnt need to enter their creds everytime they start your app.

My server will always send back a 200 response but the JSON data will contain the information needed to either retry or to store the auth token. In general... basic auth basically sucks.

try {
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
    req.onload = function(ev) {
        var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
        if (response.success === true) {
            // The server will respond with a token that will allow us to login
            storeCredentials(userValue, response.token);
            // redirect with token
        else if (req.status == 401) {
            alert("Invalid Username/Password");
        } else {
            alert("Some other status");
    req.ontimeout = setTimeout(function(ev) { navigator.notification.alert('Timeout trying to contact the server'); }, 10000);
    req.onerror = function(ev) { clearTimeout(this.ontimeout); navigator.notification.alert('Error connecting to the server during authentication.'); };

    var uri = myWebOrigin + '/authenticate';
    req.open('POST', uri, true);
    req.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');
    req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    json_data = {username : Base64.encode(userValue), password : Base64.encode(passValue)};
} catch(error) {
    navigator.notification.alert('Uh oh, an error occurred trying to login! ' + error);
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Matthew Levine Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10

Matthew Levine

I just had the same issues with none of the callbacks being called when using iOS + PhoneGap + jQuery. If I pass incorrect credentials and use

    timeout: 5000, // Some timeout value that makes sense

then the error callback is called with {"readyState":0,"status":0,"statusText":"timeout"}. In that case you would have to guess that the real error is the HTTP 401.

Alternatively you can use

    async: false, // :-(

and your error callback will get something like {"readyState":4,"responseText":"<html>...</html>","status":401,"statusText":"Unauthorized"} back.

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Roy Solberg Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10

Roy Solberg