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Is the JavaScript operator === provably transitive?

JavaScript's quirky weakly-typed == operator can easily be shown to be non-transitive as follows:

var a = "16";
var b = 16;
var c = "0x10";
alert(a == b && b == c && a != c); // alerts true

I wonder if there are any similar tricks one can play with roundoff error, Infinity, or NaN that could should show === to be non-transitive, or if it can be proved to indeed be transitive.

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Ray Toal Avatar asked Oct 01 '11 20:10

Ray Toal

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2 Answers

The === operator in Javascript seems to be as transitive as it can get.

NaN is reliably different from NaN:

>>> 0/0 === 0/0
>>> 0/0 !== 0/0

Infinity is reliably equal to Infinity:

>>> 1/0 === 1/0
>>> 1/0 !== 1/0

Objects (hashes) are always different:

>>> var a = {}, b = {};
>>> a === b
>>> a !== b

And since the === operator does not perform any type coercion, no value conversion can occur, so the equality / inequality semantics of primitive types will remain consistent (i.e. won't contradict one another), interpreter bugs notwithstanding.

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Frédéric Hamidi Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 15:10

Frédéric Hamidi

If you look at the spec (http://bclary.com/2004/11/07/#a-11.9.6) you will see that no type coercion is being made. Also, everything else is pretty straightforward, so maybe only implementation bugs will make it non-transitive.

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deviousdodo Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 15:10
