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How can I trim beginning and ending double quotes from a string?





People also ask

How do you split a string with double quotes?

Use method String. split() It returns an array of String, splitted by the character you specified.

How do you remove double quotes from a replacement string?

Use the String. replaceAll() method to remove all double quotes from a string, e.g. str. replaceAll('"', '') . The replace() method will return a new string with all double quotes removed.

How do you open and close double quotation marks?

Press-and-hold down the Option key and then press the curly parentheses { key found near the return key for the opening double quotation mark. Press-and-hold the Option and Shift key and then press the curly parentheses { key found near the return key for the closing double quotation mark.

How do you remove double quotes from the beginning and end of a string in Python?

Using the strip() Function to Remove Double Quotes from String in Python. We use the strip() function in Python to delete characters from the start or end of the string. We can use this method to remove the quotes if they exist at the start or end of the string.

You can use String#replaceAll() with a pattern of ^\"|\"$ for this.


string = string.replaceAll("^\"|\"$", "");

To learn more about regular expressions, have al ook at http://regular-expression.info.

That said, this smells a bit like that you're trying to invent a CSV parser. If so, I'd suggest to look around for existing libraries, such as OpenCSV.

To remove the first character and last character from the string, use:

myString = myString.substring(1, myString.length()-1);

Also with Apache StringUtils.strip():

 StringUtils.strip(null, *)          = null
 StringUtils.strip("", *)            = ""
 StringUtils.strip("abc", null)      = "abc"
 StringUtils.strip("  abc", null)    = "abc"
 StringUtils.strip("abc  ", null)    = "abc"
 StringUtils.strip(" abc ", null)    = "abc"
 StringUtils.strip("  abcyx", "xyz") = "  abc"


final String SchrodingersQuotedString = "may or may not be quoted";
StringUtils.strip(SchrodingersQuotedString, "\""); //quoted no more

This method works both with quoted and unquoted strings as shown in my example. The only downside is, it will not look for strictly matched quotes, only leading and trailing quote characters (ie. no distinction between "partially and "fully" quoted strings).

If the double quotes only exist at the beginning and the end, a simple code as this would work perfectly:

string = string.replace("\"", "");