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Regex doesn't work in String.matches()




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Does string match regex?

Java - String matches() Methodmatches(regex) yields exactly the same result as the expression Pattern.

How do I use regex to match?

To match a character having special meaning in regex, you need to use a escape sequence prefix with a backslash ( \ ). E.g., \. matches "." ; regex \+ matches "+" ; and regex \( matches "(" . You also need to use regex \\ to match "\" (back-slash).

How do you check a string Pattern in Python?

The in Operator It returns a Boolean (either True or False ). To check if a string contains a substring in Python using the in operator, we simply invoke it on the superstring: fullstring = "StackAbuse" substring = "tack" if substring in fullstring: print("Found!") else: print("Not found!")

What does \\ mean in regex?

\\. matches the literal character . . the first backslash is interpreted as an escape character by the Emacs string reader, which combined with the second backslash, inserts a literal backslash character into the string being read. the regular expression engine receives the string \.

Welcome to Java's misnamed .matches() method... It tries and matches ALL the input. Unfortunately, other languages have followed suit :(

If you want to see if the regex matches an input text, use a Pattern, a Matcher and the .find() method of the matcher:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[a-z]");
Matcher m = p.matcher(inputstring);
if (m.find())
    // match

If what you want is indeed to see if an input only has lowercase letters, you can use .matches(), but you need to match one or more characters: append a + to your character class, as in [a-z]+. Or use ^[a-z]+$ and .find().

[a-z] matches a single char between a and z. So, if your string was just "d", for example, then it would have matched and been printed out.

You need to change your regex to [a-z]+ to match one or more chars.

String.matches returns whether the whole string matches the regex, not just any substring.

java's implementation of regexes try to match the whole string

that's different from perl regexes, which try to find a matching part

if you want to find a string with nothing but lower case characters, use the pattern [a-z]+

if you want to find a string containing at least one lower case character, use the pattern .*[a-z].*


String[] words = {"{apf","hum_","dkoe","12f"};
    for(String s:words)