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How can I make vim indent dplyr code with the pipe (%>%) operator correctly?

For example, vim will not indent correctly the following code:

flights <- flights %>%
    group_by(year, month, day) %>%
    select(arr_delay, dep_delay) %>%
        arr = mean(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE),
        dep = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE)
    ) %>%
    filter(arr > 30 | dep > 30)

Is there a way to fix this?

I'm using the Vim-R-Plugin, the related issue is here.

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enricoferrero Avatar asked Feb 19 '15 15:02


1 Answers

One thing you can do is learn vimscript and modify this behavior yourself. If it works well, you can contribute the change to the original author.

I started out this way but ended up writing my own indent code from scratch that does everything just the way I like it. I talked with the R plugin author about replacing his code with mine but my code has a couple of bugs I've never taken the time to find and that don't bother me much (it gets stuck if you have an unmatched close curly bracket, for example). I never got the motivation to clean it up the rest of the way and try and get it into the VIM repository.

In response to your query, I have put my code on github. You can try using my indent code instead of the r-plugin code if you want. It may or may not solve your issue (no promises). If I get motivated enough I may fix it up enough that we could make it the default vim indent code.

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farnsy Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 04:11
