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How can I hide cell contents in Google Colaboratory?

I'm working through a tutorial in Google Colaboratory, and the author has handily hidden some of the solutions cells. When you click the hidden cell, it expands and becomes visible. How can I hide the cells?

An example is in this tutorial: Creating and Manipulating Tensors.

Hidden Cells example

like image 663
the_cat_lady Avatar asked Mar 03 '18 23:03


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With multiple cells selected: Press Shift + M to merge your selection. To split the active cell at the cursor, press Ctrl + Shift + - in edit mode. You can also click and Shift + Click in the margin to the left of your cells to select them.

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1 Answers

None of the other answers worked for me. You can collapse cells by adding this to the top of the cell "#@title" and then double clicking on the white space that appears to the right of it.

like image 69
jarvis Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
