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How can I have a portable Emacs?

Is there a way run Emacs from a USB drive? I am a Windows user and I would like to be able use it on any PC without an Emacs install.

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Ray Avatar asked Dec 08 '08 18:12


People also ask

Can you run Emacs on Windows?

Emacs runs on several operating systems regardless of the machine type. The main ones are: GNU, GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, MacOS, MS Windows and Solaris.

2 Answers

Yes, the "normal" Emacs distribution for Windows is precompiled and just runs without having to do any install. Just get one of the *.zip files from the usual place, unpack it onto a USB disk, and you can use it directly. (The actual binary is inside the "bin/" directory.)

The only thing you may want to do is set it up to look for ".emacs" always on the USB disk instead of on your hard drive; see

 (info "(emacs) Windows HOME") 

on how to do that.

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ShreevatsaR Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09


You can read Emacs-related pages at PortableApps.com, and if they have not yet ported Emacs to their set of portable applications, then please ask them kindly to add Emacs to the list of text editors. With enough requests they will do this eventually.

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link0ff Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
