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What IDE / Editor do you use for Ruby on Windows? [closed]

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What IDE should I use for Ruby on Rails?

Aptana Studio This IDE is free to be used for Ruby on Rails development and is available as open source. It is easily customizable, faster and comes with some features which can help to boost the productivity of the developers.

Is an editor used to write your Ruby programs?

You can write Ruby programs in any text editor, such as Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on OS X. Your experience will be much better with a specialized programming text editor, which can help you by automatically indenting code, coloring your code based on its syntax, and more.

What is Ruby language used for?

Ruby is mainly used to build web applications and is useful for other programming projects. It is widely used for building servers and data processing, web scraping, and crawling.

Netbeans IDE is quite good.

You can use either Eclipse with the Aptana Plugin and then install the Aptana RadRails plugin or you can use Aptana as a stand-alone application.

I like to use Eclipse with the Aptana plugins because Aptana seems to provide the best support for HTML, Javascript, and CSS that I've seen in an Eclipse plugin, and you still get the full benefit of using the core Eclipse application.

E-Texteditor is great.

Farawla code editor.

Disclaimer: I built it.

i think sublime text editor is best for pure ruby files.

its lite and fast.

I have been using Notepad++ for a while now. It has the basic features I want:

  • Drag & Drop file opening.
  • Detects changes to open files on the disk.
  • Ruby syntax highlighting (works out of the box).

Eclipse with RDT plugin.