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How can I disable "Initialize Java Tooling" on Eclipse startup?

In our application which is a Eclipse plugin, when Eclipse starts it takes long time and the users are seeing "Initialize Java tooling" message on the left down corner of application. Because our users don't have anything to do with java, I wonder if it is possible to disable Initialize Java tooling.

Another question: What is Initialize Java tooling?

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Govan Avatar asked Feb 01 '13 08:02


4 Answers

from Command prompt just type

eclipse.exe -clean

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Tiwari Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 08:11


Try to terminate eclipse then backup and delete the folder


Restarting eclipse will not hang the Java Tooling process.

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salvobis Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 08:11


The java-tooling implement a Java IDE supporting the development of any Java application, including Eclipse plug-ins. It adds a Java project nature and Java perspective to the Eclipse Workbench as well as a number of views, editors, wizards, builders, and code merging and refactoring tools. The Java-tooling provides a development environment to developer.

how to disable plugin at startup

you can try disabling the java-tooling while launching the application.I am giving you a snapshot.

enter image description here

go find perspective as Window->Preferences->Run&Launching->java Application-> and make debug an run combobox to none value. Hope this can solve your problem.

In case of Eclipse Oxygen, this settings can be found at:

Eclipse > Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching > Perspectives > Java Application > Eclipse JDT Launcher

enter image description here

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arvin_codeHunk Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 08:11


There will be a folder .metadata in your project workspace directory. Just delete the .log files in it and restart eclipse.

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Anuraj Diliprajan Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 06:11

Anuraj Diliprajan