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How can I customize / override the "git clone" step in Travis CI?



On the install step, Travis CI clones the repo, which looks similar to this:

git clone --depth=50 --branch=master https://github.com/user/repo.git user/repo

How can I customize / override this?

Background: I am using tag based deploys. The way Travis checks out tagged builds (--branch=<tagname>), the git repository is in a detached state without access to branches. However, for deployment I need to know on which branch I am. My solution is to do a "normal" clone and then switch to the tagged commit.

like image 993
ericteubert Avatar asked Sep 15 '15 08:09


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2 Answers

You can clone the repository again in the install step. That way you clone the repository twice, but it seems to work.

# .travis.yml install:   - git clone https://github.com/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG.git $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG   - cd $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG   - git checkout -qf $TRAVIS_COMMIT 
like image 63
ericteubert Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09


Per the Travis docs you can add the following to your .travis.yml to remove the --depth flag:

git:   depth: false 

As --depth implies --single-branch, removing this flag means that all branches will be checked out, which isn't the default behaviour.

like image 40
jonrsharpe Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
