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Can Travis-CI run Codeception tests?

I'm creating my tests (though I'm a beginner, learning) using Codeception. This includes acceptance and unit tests for now.

I want to add my repo to Travis CI so I can automate testing process after each commit and put build-status tag.

I would like to ask;

  1. Can Travis-CI run codeception tests?
  2. Can Travis-CI run codeception acceptance tests emulating browser?
  3. If both answers are no, is there any other CI tool which can?

Thank you.

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Aristona Avatar asked Sep 01 '13 12:09


1 Answers

Yes, it is possible to run Codeception tests, including acceptance tests that run using WebDriver, on Travis CI.

It is possible to run your tests with a real browser on Travis, but it is easiest to use a headless browser, since Travis is running on a headless machine. PhantomJS is perfect for this, and it comes pre-installed with Travis CI's build bootstrap.

To run the tests with PhantomJS, you'll need to configure the WebDriver module like this in your .yml Codeception configuration file:

            url: ''
            browser: phantomjs

The URL is important. I have found that attempting to use localhost instead of will not work. Also, if you accidentally leave out the http://, that won't work either. You can use most any 8*** port, since most of them are open, but of course you'll need to have a web server running on that port to serve your static files or run your PHP application. The easiest way to do this, I find, is to use PHP's built-in webserver.

Your .travis.yml file might look something like this:

# Travis CI configuration file.

language: php

    - 5.6
    - 7.0

    # Start up a web server.
    - php -S -t /path/to/web/root >/dev/null 2>&1 &
    # Start up the webdriver.
    - phantomjs --webdriver=4444 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
    # Install Codeception.
    # Doing this last gives the webdriver and server time to start up.
    - composer install --prefer-source

    - vendor/bin/codecept run

You will of course need to add Codeception to your project's composer.json file:

composer require --dev codeception/codeception

You'll also need to change path/to/web/root above to the path to the directory where you want the server's document root to be.

If you'd like to see a working demo running WebDriver tests against WordPress, you can check out this GitHub repo.

like image 188
J.D. Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 17:10
