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Travis-CI badge not updating



I have retriggered a failed Travis-CI build for a public open source project yesterday. The build succeeded, however, the badge still shows "build failing", both on GitHub and on Travis-CI.

Is there anything I can do to refresh it?

like image 557
ralfstx Avatar asked Jun 04 '15 09:06


People also ask

Is Travis CI free?

Check out our features – now you can sign up for Travis CI using your Assembla, Bitbucket, GitHub or GitLab account to connect your repositories! Testing your open source projects is always 100% free!

Which of the following providers are supported by Travis CI?

Continuous Deployment to the following providers is supported: anynines. AWS CloudFormation. AWS CodeDeploy.

1 Answers

The previous answer is so close! Github wouldn't be involved at all, all they do is link to the image with html. And I know from experience that Travis updates it basically immediately. It's actually browser side caching!

Your browser doesn't request the new image because it already has it. This is actually how all images work on the web. You can rest assured the correct build status is showing for new visitors to your repo.

If you need that green badge to show up for your own peace of mind, just hit Ctrl+F5 to purge the cache.

like image 72
iCodeSometime Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09
