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How can I convert tabs to spaces and vice versa in an existing file

Since fix of: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/1228 the editor supports it out of the box. Simply go for:

  1. F1,
  2. indentationToSpaces or indentationToTabs (depending on your need)
  3. Enter.

Another way to do it is click the current indentation (Tab/Spaces:n) on the footer which will open your indentation options where you can select what you want to do. enter image description here

If you are trying to convert non-leading tabs to spaces (or vice versa) you can use a regex search and replace.

  1. Press CTRL + H
  2. Click the .* button to search using regular expressions.
  3. To search for tabs enter [\t] in Find box.
  4. Enter spaces in Replace box and perform your replace.

Search box in regex mode: screenshot of VSCode regex search box

  1. Select Replace: CTRL-H
  2. Enter Horizontal Tab in Find box: hold ATL and type 009 on the keypad.
  3. Enter a space(or more spaces) into the Replace box: press space bar
  4. Press Enter to begin replacing Tabs with Space(s).