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How to prevent Visual Studio Code from always reopening the previous files or folders?

People also ask

How do I stop a File from running in VS Code?

VS Code maintains a debug session while the program is running, and pressing the Stop button terminates the program.

How do I close folders in VS Code?

Just like Close Folder when a single folder is open in VS Code, there is a Close Workspace (Ctrl+K F) command to close the active Workspace.

What is restricted mode in VS Code?

Restricted Mode tries to prevent automatic code execution by disabling or limiting the operation of several VS Code features: tasks, debugging, workspace settings, and extensions.

You can also go into your settings and use the following:

"window.reopenFolders": "none"

which will not reopen the folders you were working on when you closed the editor. The other options are one (the default) and all.

Edit 2017-11-09:

The option is now changed in latest versions.

"window.restoreWindows": "none"

See Mathieu DOMER's answer.

Edit 2018-09-12:

Another setting related to this is the hotExit setting. This has been discussed in this answer to a related question. To prevent reopening and remembering unsaved files, you can set this to:

"files.hotExit": "off"

But from the test I've made, when the window.restoreWindows setting is set to none, this is not needed. I haven't tested every possible combination, so YMMV.

And to answer a question in the comments, to edit the settings, you have to open the settings file. Some documentation can be found here (at least on the date I am writing this).

With latest update, it seems that the parameter has changed, now use:

"window.restoreWindows": "none"

In VS Code:

  • for Windows/Linux Ctrl+, (or choose File/Preferences/Settings) to open the settings page.
  • for Mac +, (or choose Code -> Preferences -> Settings) to open the settings page.

then type restoreWindows in the Search settings input to filter for this setting. Set it to none and restart the browser.


You can add the -n option to the startup of VS Code and it will always start with an empty window, not restoring your previous session.

01 December 2018

This works for me. i.e. "C:\Users\Sampath\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" -n

enter image description here

Below worked for me

Right-click on Shortcut and add --disable-gpu to Target as per screen shot.

enter image description here