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Auto-saving files upon changes with VSCode

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How do I automatically save changes in VSCode?

The easiest way to turn on Auto Save is with the File > Auto Save toggle that turns on and off save after a delay. For more control over Auto Save , open User or Workspace settings and find the associated settings: files.

How do I enable autosave in Visual Studio?

Use Visual Studio Search (Ctrl+Q) and look for “autosave”. That will take you to the Environment\Documents page in Tools\Options.

How do I turn off saved changes in Visual Studio code?

Click the (...) button and then select Undo Last Commit to undo the previous commit. The changes are added to the Staged Changes section.

How do I save without auto format VSCode?

TIL how to save a file on VSCode without auto formatting being applied: CMD + K S . This can be useful in situations where one is working in a repository and is not interested in having a big file auto formatted, just for the sake of a trivial change.

you can go to menu Files and choose auto save.

enter image description here

You can enable auto save with this methods:

1: check Auto Save item in File menu

visual studio code auto save activation

2: Go to Setting, then search auto save and select auto save option (afterDelay)

visual studio code auto save activation

Auto save description in vs code documentation

Yes VSCode can auto-save changes on files as you make changes. It also allows you set a delay for how long to wait before saving the file.

Here's a link that should help you with that.

Or a shortcut you can simply navigate to your VSCode settings, and add the following to your settings.json

    "files.autoSave": "afterDelay",
    "files.autoSaveDelay": 1000,

This will instruct your editor to autosave after 1000ms delay. You can set the autosave option to onFocusChange to autosave whenever you move your cursor away from the current text area.

There's a package called Local History that can be used to save a backup of your files outside version control.

You should check that out.