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How can I color dots in a xy scatterplot according to column value?

Consider the following worksheet:

     A       B        C        D 1 COMPANY  XVALUE   YVALUE   GROUP 2 Apple     45       35       red 3 Xerox     45       38       red 4 KMart     63       50       orange 5 Exxon     53       59       green 

I have used the scatterplot function in Excel to create the following chart:

enter image description here

However, each point in the chart has an additional property: GROUP. There are four groups: red, orange, black and green. I would like to color each dot accordingly, so that I could perhaps see a pattern (group greenbeing almost always on the left side of the chart, for instance). Because my list is 500 rows long, I cannot do this manually. How can I do this automatically?

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Pr0no Avatar asked Jun 19 '13 14:06


People also ask

How do you color a specific dot on a scatter plot in Excel?

To edit the colours, select the chart -> Format -> Select Series A from the drop down on top left. In the format pane, select the fill and border colours for the marker.

How do I change the color of a data point in excel based on value?

Right click the data series on the chart and choose Format Data Series, Marker Fill, and check Vary Color by point. Was this reply helpful?

2 Answers

Non-VBA Solution:

You need to make an additional group of data for each color group that represent the Y values for that particular group. You can use these groups to make multiple data sets within your graph.

Here is an example using your data:

     A       B        C        D                    E                        F                            G ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1| COMPANY  XVALUE   YVALUE   GROUP                 Red                     Orange                       Green 2| Apple     45       35       red         =IF($D2="red",$C2,NA()) =IF($D2="orange",$C2,NA()) =IF($D2="green",$C2,NA()) 3| Xerox     45       38       red         =IF($D3="red",$C3,NA()) =IF($D3="orange",$C3,NA()) =IF($D3="green",$C3,NA()) 4| KMart     63       50       orange      =IF($D4="red",$C4,NA()) =IF($D4="orange",$C4,NA()) =IF($D4="green",$C4,NA()) 5| Exxon     53       59       green       =IF($D5="red",$C5,NA()) =IF($D5="orange",$C5,NA()) =IF($D5="green",$C5,NA()) 

It should look like this afterwards:

     A       B        C        D          E           F          G --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1| COMPANY  XVALUE   YVALUE   GROUP       Red         Orange     Green 2| Apple     45       35       red         35         #N/A       #N/A     3| Xerox     45       38       red         38         #N/A       #N/A 4| KMart     63       50       orange     #N/A         50        #N/A 5| Exxon     53       59       green      #N/a        #N/A        59 

Now you can generate your graph using different data sets. Here is a picture showing just this example data:

enter image description here

You can change the series (X;Y) values to B:B ; E:E, B:B ; F:F, B:B ; G:G respectively, to make it so the graph is automatically updated when you add more data.

like image 121
chancea Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10


I answered a very similar question:


You simply need to iterate over the series' .Points collection, and then you can assign the points' .Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB value based on whatever criteria you need.


The code below will color the chart per the screenshot. This only assumes three colors are used. You can add additional case statements for other color values, and update the assignment of myColor to the appropriate RGB values for each.


Option Explicit Sub ColorScatterPoints()     Dim cht As Chart     Dim srs As Series     Dim pt As Point     Dim p As Long     Dim Vals$, lTrim#, rTrim#     Dim valRange As Range, cl As Range     Dim myColor As Long      Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart     Set srs = cht.SeriesCollection(1)     '## Get the series Y-Values range address:     lTrim = InStrRev(srs.Formula, ",", InStrRev(srs.Formula, ",") - 1, vbBinaryCompare) + 1     rTrim = InStrRev(srs.Formula, ",")     Vals = Mid(srs.Formula, lTrim, rTrim - lTrim)     Set valRange = Range(Vals)      For p = 1 To srs.Points.Count         Set pt = srs.Points(p)         Set cl = valRange(p).Offset(0, 1) '## assume color is in the next column.          With pt.Format.Fill             .Visible = msoTrue             '.Solid  'I commented this out, but you can un-comment and it should still work             '## Assign Long color value based on the cell value             '## Add additional cases as needed.             Select Case LCase(cl)                 Case "red"                     myColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)                 Case "orange"                     myColor = RGB(255, 192, 0)                 Case "green"                     myColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)             End Select              .ForeColor.RGB = myColor          End With     Next   End Sub 
like image 24
David Zemens Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10

David Zemens