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Excel cell from which a Function is called [duplicate]





How can I get the cell where my VBA Function is called from?

In other words, what is the VBA equivalent for INDIRECT(ROW(), COLUMN()) ?

I'm not looking for ActiveCell.

What I want to do is have a simple function ThisRow_Col(rColumn As String) return the column X of the row it's called from. Say in B2 I call =ThisRow_Col("A"), it should return the value of A2. This should work regardless of which cell active.

EDIT: Thanks Charles for the answer: Application.Caller. The following code gets the column X of the current row, independent of where the selection is:

Function ThisRow_Col(rColumn As Range)     ' Return INDIRECT(rcolumn & ROW())      ThisRow_Col = Application.Caller.Worksheet.Cells(Application.Caller.Row, rColumn.Column).Value  End Function 

Note that passing the column as a Range (ThisRow_Col(A1)) is better than passing it as a string, because Excel can automatically update the formulas if you move or insert columns. Of course the 1 row of A1 is just a convention.

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Dan Dascalescu Avatar asked Apr 05 '11 22:04

Dan Dascalescu

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1 Answers

Application.Caller returns the range object that the UDF is called from.

like image 151
Charles Williams Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11

Charles Williams