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How can I check to see if the user has Facebook Timeline?

I want to enable certain features only for users with the "publish_actions" permission and Timeline. How can I detect if the user enabled Timeline?

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Leo Jiang Avatar asked Dec 17 '11 05:12

Leo Jiang

People also ask

Can you search someone's Facebook Timeline?

A New Feature Helps You Quickly Search TimelinesTo jump to a certain year, simply click the drop down menu under “Recent”. You can now immediately go to a specific year to search someone's posts. From there, you can drill down a little further and even jump to an exact date and year.

How do I see others Timeline?

Simply click on the Settings button at the top of your Timeline, select 'View as…' and type in the name of the friend.

How do you know if someone is viewing your Timeline on Facebook?

No, Facebook doesn't let people track who views their profile. Third-party apps also can't provide this functionality. If you come across an app that claims to offer this ability, please report the app. Was this helpful?

1 Answers

Currently there is no API way to check if user have enabled timeline.

You can try to use "Add To Timeline (beta)" social plugin (passing publish_actions as perms) in combination with Facebook JS-SDK Events.

Subscribe to auth.login, auth.authResponseChange and/or auth.statusChange events and check status property of response passed to event listener, once event fired and user is connected you can publish action and if succeed mark user as one who have timeline installed.

This however have some downsides:

  • Better be sure not to ask users for publish_actions in flows other than "Add To Timeline" social plugin to be sure they are have both timeline and permission granted.
  • You should be publishing action to ensure that they have granted permissions to do so, since those events can be other user actions (like password change or Facebook user switching, etc...).
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Juicy Scripter Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10

Juicy Scripter