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How can implement Feed Dialog from Facebook in Android Application?

enter image description hereImplementation of Feed Dialog for 'Publish Story' in my Android App is not working. I downloaded the sample Facebook Android-sdk from the following link :


In case of simple wallPost, my AppId is working.. but when I am using this for 'Publish Story' Feed dialog, I am getting this message after Log In: An error occurred with RomeFoodieGuide. Please try again later.

Even in web browser, I am getting the same Error message. Is there any work to do to AppId in my App..?

In web browser I am using the link as follows : https://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=118611694896804&redirect_uri=http://www.example.com/response/

In my App, I using the following link : "https://m.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=123050457758183&redirect_uri=http://www.example.com/response/&display=touch"

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Ayush Verma Avatar asked Sep 09 '11 11:09

Ayush Verma

2 Answers

    facebook=your facebbook object;
    Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
    parameters.putString("description", "description about link");
    parameters.putString("picture","link of picture your want add with share post.");
    parameters.putString("link", "Link you want to share");
    parameters.putString("name","Name of link");
    parameters.putString("caption","describe your caption text");

    facebook.dialog(context,"feed",parameters,new DialogListener() {

        public void onFacebookError(FacebookError arg0) {
        //Display your message for facebook error   


        public void onError(DialogError arg0) {
        //Display your message for error    


        public void onComplete(Bundle arg0) {
        //Display your message on share scuccessful


        public void onCancel() {
        //Display your message on dialog cancel

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Mahesh Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10


I'm also working on that sample fb example, we have to do some thing on that sample code on mFacebook.dialog(Main.this, "feed", new SampleDialogListener()); by using this hope it helps you.. one more thing I have tried this old fb implementation code does't worked for me (may be it's for earlier fb ver)

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LOG_TAG Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10