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Is Facebook's /me/permissions an undocumented Graph API call?

After looking for ways to check if a user has a given permission, I stumbled upon some obscure reference to /me/permissions, which, lo and behold, works!

For the life of me, I can't find the documentation on the Facebook Documentation - is it deprecated, or simply undocumented?

Given how often facebook changes things, should I even be using this?

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Julian H. Lam Avatar asked Jun 08 '11 18:06

Julian H. Lam

1 Answers

They blogged about that:

As part of our efforts to transition functionality from legacy REST APIs to the Graph API, we added the ability to retrieve the list of permissions users have granted your app by adding the permissions connection to the User object.

And is part of the docs on the User object, under connections.

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Arvin Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 10:12
