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How buffered input works

The input in next program works OK, but when I ask to display the output, DOS doesn't display anything at all! How is this possible?

        ORG     256
        mov     dx, msg1
        mov     ah, 09h                 ;DOS.WriteString
        int     21h
        mov     dx, buf
        mov     ah, 0Ah                 ;DOS.BufferedInput
        int     21h
        mov     dx, msg2
        mov     ah, 09h                 ;DOS.WriteString
        int     21h
        mov     dx, buf
        mov     ah, 09h                 ;DOS.WriteString
        int     21h
        mov     ax, 4C00h               ;DOS.TerminateWithExitcode
        int     21h
; --------------------------------------
msg1:   db      'Input : ', '$'
buf:    db      20 dup ('$')
msg2:   db      13, 10, 'Output : ', '$'
; --------------------------------------
like image 280
Sep Roland Avatar asked Nov 19 '17 16:11

Sep Roland

1 Answers

Looking at how you defined your input buffer (buf: db 20 dup ('$')), I get it that you want to cut corners and have the input already $-terminated ready for re-displaying it. Sadly this messes up the required settings for the DOS input function 0Ah and your program is in serious problems with a potential buffer overrun.
Moreover using $-termination is not the brightest choice that you can make since the $ character could already appear amongst the inputted characters. All the example programs that I present below will use zero-termination instead.

Inputting text using int 21h AH=0Ah

This Buffered STDIN Input function gets characters from the keyboard and continues doing so until the user presses the Enter key. All characters and the final carriage return are placed in the storage space that starts at the 3rd byte of the input buffer supplied by the calling program via the pointer in DS:DX.
The character count, not including the final carriage return, is stored in the 2nd byte of the input buffer.
It's the responsibility of the calling program to tell DOS how large the storage space is. Therefore you must put its length in the 1st byte of the input buffer before calling this function. To allow for an input of 1 character you set the storage size at 2. To allow for an input of 254 characters you set the storage size at 255.
If you don't want to be able to recall from the template any previous input, then it is best to also zero the 2nd byte. Basically the template is the pre-existing (and valid) content in the input buffer that the calling program provided. If pre-existing content is invalid then the template is not available.

Surprisingly this function has limited editing facilities.

  • Escape Removes all characters from the current input.
    The current input is abandoned but stays on screen and the cursor is placed on the next row, beneath where the input first started.
  • Backspace Removes the last character from the current input.
    Works as expected if the input stays within a single row on screen. If on the other hand the input spans several rows then this backspacing will stop at the left edge of the screen. From then on there will be a serious discrepancy between the logical input and the visual input because logically backspacing will go on until the 1st position in the storage space is reached!
  • F6 Inserts an end-of-file character (1Ah) in the current input.
    The screen will show "^Z".
  • F7 Inserts a zero byte in the current input.
    The screen will show "^@".
  • ctrlEnter Transitions to the next row (executing a carriage return and linefeed), nothing is added to the current input, and you can't go back.

Many more editing keys are available. They are all reminiscent of EDLIN.EXE, the ancient DOS line editor, which is a text editor where each previous line becomes the template on which you build the next line.

  • F1 Copies one character from the template to the new line.
  • F2 + ... Copies all characters from the template to the new line, up to the character specified.
  • F3 Copies all remaining characters in the template to the new line.
  • F4 + ... Skips over the characters in the template, up to the character specified.
  • F5 Makes the new line the new template.
  • Escape Clears the current input and leaves the template unchanged.
  • Delete Skips one character in the template.
  • Insert Enters or exits insert mode.
  • Backspace Deletes the last character of the new line and places the cursor back one character in the template.
  • Left Same as Backspace.
  • Right Same as F1.

Tabs are expanded by this function. Tab expansion is the process of replacing ASCII 9 by a series of one or more spaces (ASCII 32) until the cursor reaches a column position that is a multiple of 8.
This tab expansion only happens on screen. The storage space will hold ASCII 9.

This function does ctrlC/ctrlBreak checking.

When this function finishes, the cursor will be in the far left column on the current row.

Example 1, Buffered STDIN input.

        ORG     256                     ;Create .COM program
        mov     si, msg1
        call    WriteStringDOS
        mov     dx, buf
        mov     ah, 0Ah                 ;DOS.BufferedInput
        int     21h
        mov     si, msg2
        call    WriteStringDOS
        mov     si, buf+2
        movzx   bx, [si-1]              ;Get character count
        mov     word [si+bx+1], 10      ;Keep CR, append LF and 0
        call    WriteStringDOS
        mov     ax, 4C00h               ;DOS.TerminateWithExitcode
        int     21h
; --------------------------------------
; IN (ds:si) OUT ()
        jmps    .b
.a:     mov     dl, al
        mov     ah, 02h                 ;DOS.DisplayCharacter
        int     21h                     ; -> AL
.b:     lodsb
        test    al, al
        jnz     .a
; --------------------------------------
buf:    db      255, 16, "I'm the template", 13, 255-16-1+2 dup (0)
msg1:   db      'Choose color ? ', 0
msg2:   db      10, 'You chose ', 0
; --------------------------------------

Inputting text using int 21h AH=3Fh

When used with predefined handle 0 (in BX) this Read From File Or Device function gets characters from the keyboard and continues doing so until the user presses Enter. All characters (never more than 127) and the final carriage return plus an additional linefeed are placed in a private buffer within the DOS kernel. This now becomes the new template.
Hereafter the function will write in the buffer provided at DS:DX, the amount of bytes that were requested in the CX parameter. If CX specified a number that is less than the number of bytes generated by this input, one or more additional calls to this function are required to retrieve the complete input. As long as there are characters remaining to be picked up, this function will not launch another input session using the keyboard! This is even true between different programs or sessions of the same program.

All the editing keys described in the previous section are available.

Tabs are expanded on screen only, not in the template.

This function does ctrlC/ctrlBreak checking.

When this function finishes, the cursor will be in the far left column on the

  • current row if the terminating linefeed was not among the returned bytes.
  • next row if the terminating linefeed was among the returned bytes.

Example 2a, Read From File Or Device, pick up all at once.

        ORG     256                     ;Create .COM program
        mov     si, msg1
        call    WriteStringDOS
        mov     dx, buf
        mov     cx, 127+2               ;Max input is 127 chars + CR + LF
        xor     bx, bx                  ;STDIN=0
        mov     ah, 3Fh                 ;DOS.ReadFileOrDevice
        int     21h                     ; -> AX CF
        jc      Exit
        mov     bx, ax                  ;Bytes count is less than CX
        mov     si, msg2
        call    WriteStringDOS
        mov     si, buf
        mov     [si+bx], bh             ;Keep CR and LF, append 0 (BH=0)
        call    WriteStringDOS
Exit:   mov     ax, 4C00h               ;DOS.TerminateWithExitcode
        int     21h
; --------------------------------------
; IN (ds:si) OUT ()
        jmps    .b
.a:     mov     dl, al
        mov     ah, 02h                 ;DOS.DisplayCharacter
        int     21h                     ; -> AL
.b:     lodsb
        test    al, al
        jnz     .a
; --------------------------------------
buf:    db      127+2+1 dup (0)
msg1:   db      'Choose color ? ', 0
msg2:   db      'You chose ', 0
; --------------------------------------

Example 2b, Read From File Or Device, pick up one byte at a time.

        ORG     256                     ;Create .COM program
        mov     si, msg1
        call    WriteStringDOS
        mov     dx, buf
        mov     cx, 1
        xor     bx, bx                  ;STDIN=0
        mov     ah, 3Fh                 ;DOS.ReadFileOrDevice
        int     21h                     ; -> AX CF
        jc      Exit
        mov     si, msg2
        call    WriteStringDOS
        mov     si, dx                  ;DX=buf, CX=1, BX=0
Next:   mov     ah, 3Fh                 ;DOS.ReadFileOrDevice
        int     21h                     ; -> AX CF
        jc      Exit
        call    WriteStringDOS          ;Display a single byte
        cmp     byte [si], 10
        jne     Next
Exit:   mov     ax, 4C00h               ;DOS.TerminateWithExitcode
        int     21h
; --------------------------------------
; IN (ds:si) OUT ()
        jmps    .b
.a:     mov     dl, al
        mov     ah, 02h                 ;DOS.DisplayCharacter
        int     21h                     ; -> AL
.b:     lodsb
        test    al, al
        jnz     .a
; --------------------------------------
msg1:   db      'Choose color ? ', 0
msg2:   db      10, 'You chose '
buf:    db      0, 0
; --------------------------------------

Inputting text using int 2Fh AX=4810h

This DOSKEY Buffered STDIN Input function can only be invoked if the DOSKEY.COM TSR was installed. It operates much like the regular Buffered STDIN Input function 0Ah (see above), but has all the same editing possibilities as the DOS command line, including the ability to use all of the DOSKEY special keys.

  • Up Gets previous item from history.
  • Down Gets next item from history.
  • F7 Shows a list of all the items in the history.
  • AltF7 Clears the history.
  • ...F8 Finds item(s) that start with ...
  • F9 Selects an item from the history by number.
  • AltF10 Removes all macrodefinitions.

On DOS 6.2 the storage space is always limited to 128 bytes, allowing an input of 127 characters and room for the mandatory carriage return. It's not possible to pre-load a template, so always set the 2nd byte of the input buffer to zero.
On DOS Win95 the storage space can be as big as 255 bytes if you installed the DOSKEY.COM TSR with a command like doskey /line:255. It's possible to pre-load the storage space with a template. This brings the Win95 version very close to what is feasable with input function 0Ah.

This function does ctrlC/ctrlBreak checking.

When this function finishes, the cursor will be in the far left column on the current row. If the character count is zero, it means that the user typed in the name of a DOSKEY macro that was not yet expanded. You don't get to see the un-expanded line! A second invocation of the function is needed and upon returning this time, the cursor will be behind the last character of the expanded text.
A peculiarity is that when a multi-command macro ($T) gets expanded, you only get the expanded text of the 1st command. Additional invocations of the function are needed to get the other expanded texts. Although all of this is very useful from within a command shell like COMMAND.COM, from within a user application it's really annoying that you can't know when this happens.

Since the inputted text is added to the command history, it is unavoidable that the history fills up with unrelated items. Certainly not what you want to see at the DOS prompt!

Example 3, Invoking DOSKEY.COM.

        ORG     256                     ;Create .COM program
        mov     ax, 4800h               ;DOSKEY.CheckInstalled
        int     2Fh                     ; -> AL
        test    al, al
        mov     si, err1
        jz      Exit_
Again:  mov     si, msg1
        call    WriteStringDOS
        mov     dx, buf
        mov     ax, 4810h               ;DOSKEY.BufferedInput
        int     2Fh                     ; -> AX
        test    ax, ax
        mov     si, err2
        jnz     Exit_
        cmp     [buf+1], al             ;AL=0
        je      Again                   ;Macro expansion needed
        mov     si, msg2
        call    WriteStringDOS
        mov     si, buf+2
        movzx   bx, [si-1]              ;Get character count (is GT 0)
        mov     word [si+bx+1], 10      ;Keep CR, append LF and 0
Exit_:  call    WriteStringDOS
Exit:   mov     ax, 4C00h               ;DOS.TerminateWithExitcode
        int     21h
; --------------------------------------
; IN (ds:si) OUT ()
        jmps    .b
.a:     mov     dl, al
        mov     ah, 02h                 ;DOS.DisplayCharacter
        int     21h                     ; -> AL
.b:     lodsb
        test    al, al
        jnz     .a
; --------------------------------------
buf:    db      128, 0, 128+2 dup (0)
msg1:   db      'Choose color ? ', 0
msg2:   db      13, 10, 'You chose ', 0
err1:   db      'N/A', 13, 10, 0
err2:   db      'Failed', 13, 10, 0
; --------------------------------------

Inputting text using int 21h AH=08h

Because of the 30000 byte limit that Stack Overflow imposes the text continues in the below answer...

Problem understanding the source? The assembler I used:

  • considers labels that start with a dot ( . ) as 1st level local labels
  • considers labels that start with a colon ( : ) as 2nd level local labels
  • is Single Instruction Multiple Operands (SIMO), so push cx si translates to push cx push si.
like image 94
Sep Roland Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09

Sep Roland