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How apply padding in HTML without increasing the div size?




I want to apply some padding in a div, but when the padding property is applied, the div size increases because the padding size is added to the div.

<div id="someDiv">

    padding: 1em;

There is some way to apply the padding without increasing the div size? I have one solution that includes adding another with the content div inside the #someDiv and applying margin to it, but I don't know if this is the best solution.

Something like this:

<div id="someDiv">
    <div idi="anotherDiv">

    margin: 1em;
like image 931
Renato Dinhani Avatar asked Jan 17 '23 22:01

Renato Dinhani

2 Answers

div { box-sizing: border-box; }

Although this is isn't supported in certain versions of IE!

like image 117
Cameron Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 21:01


Adding an inner div is, more or less, a good solution. There's the box-sizing property, but it lacks support.

Here's an article on the subject:


And here's a polyfill (patch) for older IE versions -- although I'm not sure how it affects performance; I'd recommend using it carefully.


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avramov Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 21:01
