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looking for a tool to emulate different internet browsers [closed]

I am looking for a tool or a way to view my website on different browsers, such as IE7 and above and different versions of firefox.

I am new to CSS, but I installed some software on my PC that does it for me. It made problems and I had to reinstall my Windows. So I prefer to have some web application to achieve the same goal, and show reliably, how my website looks like on IE8 for example.

like image 721
Dmitry Makovetskiyd Avatar asked Jan 17 '23 14:01

Dmitry Makovetskiyd

1 Answers

An online solution like Browserstack could be useful in this case. You can test your web application in different browsers and different versions of browsers without the need to install them yourself.

like image 81
fivedigit Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 03:01
