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Is there a jQuery slider / slideshow plugin that employs css3 animations when they're available?

My question is if there is a plugin, maybe not unlike jQuery Cycle that can handle and uses 3d transform/css3 transitions to handle the animations if they're available?

A good option I found is Flexslider (note: Flexslider does not work 100% with jQuery 1.7) because it scores well on compatibility with touch and scroll events. But I find that when you want to have a different animation it is not that extendible.

I need a cover animation (I think the demo might be a bit broken though, slide needs to slide over from the right side to the left over the old slide) but I am really just interested in a jQuery plugin that employs css3 animations where possible and is sort-off extendible.

It must have:

  • CSS3 Transitions when possible, fallback for older browsers
  • Flexible enough to bind next/prev into touch/scroll events
  • Extendible / usable if it doesn't already have a ready made cover animation

Some plusses would be:

  • Ready made integration for touch / scroll
  • Navigation between slides
  • Hooks for before/after an animation

Though those last items I can easily fabricate myself if needed, I just don't want to start on the transition logic if someone smarter than me already did that once and made it available...

To be clear; I need this to support mobile devices (iOS, Android) and transitions are currently the smoothest way to have any active content, when forced to be HW accelerated.

The precise question has not been answered so it's still open and up for an answer

I will award another bounty for an exact answer if anyone can provide it.

like image 757
sg3s Avatar asked Jan 18 '23 03:01


2 Answers

Personally I've really enjoyed working with Slicebox


It has nice 3D transitions for capable browsers but falls back gracefully in other browsers.

like image 141
SpaceBeers Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 07:01


royalslider may work



There are actually a bunch of nice examples/tutorials on the tympanus site.

like image 31
mson Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 07:01
