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Haskell: Datastruture with O(1) append and O(1) indexing?

I am looking for a data structure in Haskell that supports both fast indexing and fast append. This is for a memoization problem which arises from recursion.

From the way vectors work in c++ (which are mutable, but that shouldn't matter in this case) it seems immutable vectors with both (amortized) O(1) append and O(1) indexing should be possible (ok, it's not, see comments to this question). Is this poossible in Haskell or should I go with Data.Sequence which has (AFAICT anyway) O(1) append and O(log(min(i,n-i))) indexing?

On a related note, as a Haskell newbie I find myself longing for a practical, concise guide to Haskell data structures. Ideally this would give a fairly comprehensive overview over the most practical data structures along with performance characteristics and pointers to Haskell libraries where they are implemented. It seems that there is a lot of information out there, but I have found it to be a little scattered. Am I asking too much?

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Paul Avatar asked May 03 '12 21:05


3 Answers

For simple memoization problems, you typically want to build the table once and then not modify it later. In that case, you can avoid having to worry about appending, by instead thinking of the construction of the memoization table as one operation.

One method is to take advantage of lazy evaluation and refer to the table while we're constructing it.

import Data.Array
fibs = listArray (0, n-1) $ 0 : 1 : [fibs!(i-1) + fibs!(i-2) | i <- [2..n-1]]
  where n = 100

This method is especially useful when the dependencies between the elements of the table makes it difficult to come up with a simple order of evaluating them ahead of time. However, it requires using boxed arrays or vectors, which may make this approach unsuitable for large tables due to the extra overhead.

For unboxed vectors, you have operations like constructN which lets you build a table in a pure way while using mutation underneath to make it efficient. It does this by giving the function you pass an immutable view of the prefix of the vector constructed so far, which you can then use to compute the next element.

import Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
fibs = constructN 100 f
  where f xs | i < 2 = i
             | otherwise = xs!(i-1) + xs!(i-2)
             where i = V.length xs
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hammar Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11


If memory serves, C++ vectors are implemented as an array with bounds and size information. When an insertion would increase the bounds beyond the size, the size is doubled. This is amortized O(1) time insertion (not O(1) as you claim), and can be emulated just fine in Haskell using the Array type, perhaps with suitable IO or ST prepended.

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Daniel Wagner Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 15:11

Daniel Wagner

Take a look at this to make a more informed choice of what you should use.

But the simple thing is, if you want the equivalent of a C++ vector, use Data.Vector.

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trutheality Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11
