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What is Ord type?



Is every class not a type in Haskell :

Prelude> :t max
max :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
Prelude> :t Ord

<interactive>:1:1: Not in scope: data constructor ‘Ord’

Why does this not print Ord type signature ?

like image 419
blue-sky Avatar asked Jul 23 '15 21:07


People also ask

What is a Ord class?

The Ord class is used for totally ordered datatypes. Instances of Ord can be derived for any user-defined datatype whose constituent types are in Ord . The declared order of the constructors in the data declaration determines the ordering in derived Ord instances.

What are type classes in Haskell?

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What is an instance in Haskell?

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1 Answers

Okay, there's a couple of things going on here.

First when you write :t Ord you're looking for something called Ord in the value namespace; specifically it would have to be a constructor, since the name starts with a capital letter.

Haskell keeps types and values completely separate; there is no relationship between the name of a type and the names of a type's constructors. Often when there's only one constructor, people will use the same name as the type. An example being data Foo = Foo Int. This declares two new named entities: the type Foo and the constructor Foo :: Int -> Foo.

It's not really a good idea to think of it as just making a type Foo that can be used both in type expressions and to construct Foos. Because also common are declarations like data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a. Here there are 2 different constructors for Maybe a, and Maybe isn't a name of anything at all at the value level.

So just because you've seen Ord in a type expression doesn't mean that there is a name Ord at the value level for you to ask the type of with :t. Even if there were, it wouldn't necessarily be related top the type-level name Ord.

The second point that needs clarifying is that no, classes are not in fact types. A class is a set of types (which all support the interface defined in the class), but it is not a type itself.

In vanilla Haskell type classes are just "extra" things. You can declare them with a class declaration, instantiate them with an instance declaration, and use them in special syntax attached to types (the stuff left of the => arrow) as constraints on type variables. But they don't really interact with the rest of the language, and you cannot use them in the main part of a type signature (the stuff right of the `=> arrow).

However, with the ConstraintKinds extension on, type classes do become ordinary things that exist in the type namespace, just like Maybe. They are still not types in the sense that there can never be any values that have them as types, so you can't use Ord or Ord Int as an argument or return type in a function, or have a [Ord a] or anything like that.

In that they are a bit like type constructors like Maybe. Maybe is a name bound in the type namespace, but it is not a type as such; there are no values whose type is just Maybe, but Maybe can be used as part of an expression defining a type, as in Maybe Int.

If you're not familiar with kinds, probably ignore everything I've said from ConstraintKinds onwards; you'll probably learn about kinds eventually, but they're not a feature you need to know much about as a beginner. If you are, however, what ConstraintKinds does is make a special kind Constraint and have type class constraints (left of the => arrow) just be ordinary type-level things of kind Constraint instead of special purpose syntax. This means that Ord is a type-level thing, and we can ask it's kind with the :k command in GHCI:

Prelude> :k Ord
* -> Constraint

Which makes sense; max had type Ord a => a -> a -> a, so Ord a must have kind Constraint. If Ord can be applied to an ordinary type to yield a constraint, it must have kind * -> Constraint.

like image 156
Ben Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09
