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Hardware needed for iOS 7 iBeacon? [closed]

I am looking to develop some apps that will take advantage of iBeacon in my business, but need to first know what all hardware I will need and where I can get it from to utilize this.

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user717452 Avatar asked Oct 08 '13 19:10


People also ask

What technology does iBeacon use?

Having been developed by Apple, the iBeacon protocol is initially optimized for the iOS operating system, but also works on Android devices. Indeed, this protocol using Bluetooth 4.0 technology, it is compatible with all smartphones equipped with a Bluetooth chip.

How do I turn my iphone into an iBeacon?

To use an iOS device as an iBeacon, you do the following: Obtain or generate a 128-bit UUID for your device. Create a CLBeaconRegion object containing the UUID value along with appropriate major and minor values for your beacon. Advertise the beacon information using the Core Bluetooth framework.

How do I set up iBeacon?

Go to Settings in the app menu. Tap on iBeacons. Select your iBeacon (If there is more than one in the area, you can identify yours using the 4-digit code on its side) If you have more than one vehicle in the app, choose the one you'll use the iBeacon for from the dropdown menu.

What is Apple's iBeacon?

This protocol enables seamless interactivity between iOS and Android devices, and an iBeacon hardware, such as BLE beacons. iBeacon technology has been empowering businesses by letting them welcome customers, provide location-relevant information and promote ongoing offers.

1 Answers

You can pre-order some beacons from estimote.

If you want to develop your own custom hardware, I would suggest to use a BLE mini prototyping board from RedBearLab with their iBeacon firmware.

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bbjay Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09
