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Good online resources to learn x86 assembly [closed]




I came across many online resources about x86 assembly. However, before starting, I want to get some feedback from others. Is there any video resources especially focused to x86 assembly programming? I know C and have fundamentals in Java. I also know MIPS architecture and done assembly for MIPS. I need to know x86 assembly (especially protected mode) for job. I would appreciate if anyone can refer me to any good sites. There are some online sites that seemed useful to me-


Would you please comment on that? Will it be useful if I follow those lectures?

I also downloaded intel manuals but some people told me that it's too tough for the beginner.

Another site is: http://www.mindshare.com/shop/?c=e&section=0BA207001710

It covered the basic x86 architecture. Please help me to start with a good resource!

like image 814
newbie Avatar asked Dec 25 '11 19:12


1 Answers

You can't beat Jonathan Bartlett's Most Excellent "Programming from the Ground Up":


like image 91
paulsm4 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
