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Assembly language : try to understand a small function




for my work, I need to reverse what this portion of code (ARM9) is doing. Im a java developper & I really don't understand this portion of code related to a single function.

Of course I'm asking help because the original code is not more available. Anyone can help me to know what this code is doing with a smal algorithm in any high language? It would be nice. I have tried for many hours without results.

    PUSH    {LR}
    ADDS    R2, R0, #0
    LDRB    R3, [R2]
    CMP     R3, #0
    BEQ     loc_FFFF7B52
    SUBS    R1, #1
    BCC     loc_FFFF7B52

    ADDS    R0, #1
    LDRB    R3, [R0]
    CMP     R3, #0
    BEQ     loc_FFFF7B52
    SUBS    R1, #1
    BCS     loc_FFFF7B46

    SUBS    R0, R0, R2
    POP     {R1}
like image 627
mada Avatar asked Feb 26 '10 22:02


1 Answers

Except for the last two lines, it could be something like the following.
Please don't hit me if I am not 100% correct.

R0 is p0 or p and
R1 is n and
R2 is temporary value (edited; first I thought: i or address of p0[i])
R3 is temporary value


          PUSH {LR}           ; save return address
          ADDS R2, R0, #0     ; move R0 to R2
          LDRB R3, [R2]       ; load *p0
          CMP R3, #0          ; if *p0==0 
          BEQ loc_FFFF7B52    ; then jump to loc_FFFF7B52 
          SUBS R1, #1         ; decrement n
          BCC loc_FFFF7B52    ; if there was a borrow (i.e. n was 0): jump to loc_FFFF7B52

          ADDS R0, #1         ; increment p
          LDRB R3, [R0]       ; load *p
          CMP R3, #0          ; if *p==0
          BEQ loc_FFFF7B52    ; jump to loc_FFFF7B52
          SUBS R1, #1         ; decrement n
          BCS loc_FFFF7B46    ; if there was no borrow (i.e. n was not 0): jump to loc_FFFF7B46

          SUBS R0, R0, R2     ; calculate p - p0
          POP {R1}            ; ??? I don't understand the purpose of this
                              ; isn't there missing something?

or in C:

int f(char *p0, unsigned int n)
  char *p;

  if (*p0==0 || n--==0)
    return 0;

  for(p=p0; *++p && n>0; n--)
  return p - p0;
like image 64
9 revs Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09

9 revs