I am trying to save an Estimator
and then load it to predict as required. Part where I train the model:
classifier = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn=bag_of_words_model)
# Train
train_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(
x={"words": x_train}, # x_train is 2D numpy array of shape (26, 5)
y=y_train, # y_train is 1D panda series of length 26
classifier.train(input_fn=train_input_fn, steps=300)
I then save the model as follows:
def serving_input_receiver_fn():
serialized_tf_example = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, shape=(None, 5), name='words')
receiver_tensors = {"predictor_inputs": serialized_tf_example}
features = {"words": tf.tile(serialized_tf_example, multiples=[1, 1])}
return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(features, receiver_tensors)
full_model_dir = classifier.export_savedmodel(export_dir_base="E:/models/",
I now load the model and give the test set to it for prediction:
from tensorflow.contrib import predictor
classifier = predictor.from_saved_model("E:\\models\\1547122667")
predictions = classifier({'predictor_inputs': x_test})
This gives me predictions like:
{'class': array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0,
0, 5, 0, 20, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0], dtype=int64),
'prob': array([[9.9397606e-01, 6.5355714e-05, 2.2225287e-05, ..., 1.4510043e-07,
1.6920333e-07, 1.4865007e-07],
[9.9886864e-01, 1.4976941e-06, 7.0847680e-05, ..., 9.4182191e-08,
1.1828639e-07, 9.5683227e-08],
[9.9884748e-01, 2.1105163e-06, 1.1994909e-05, ..., 8.3957858e-08,
1.0476184e-07, 8.5592234e-08],
[9.6145850e-01, 6.9048328e-05, 1.1446012e-04, ..., 7.3761731e-07,
8.8173107e-07, 7.3824998e-07],
[9.7115618e-01, 2.9716679e-05, 5.9592247e-05, ..., 2.8933655e-07,
3.4183532e-07, 2.9737942e-07],
[9.7387028e-01, 6.9163914e-05, 1.5800977e-04, ..., 1.6116818e-06,
1.9025001e-06, 1.5990496e-06]], dtype=float32)}
and prob
are two things that I am predicting. Now, if I predict the output with the same test set without saving and loading the model:
# Predict.
test_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(
x={"words": x_test}, y=y_test, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False)
predictions = classifier.predict(input_fn=test_input_fn)
then I get the output as follows:
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.9023646e-01, 2.6038184e-05, 3.9950578e-06, ..., 1.3950405e-08,
1.5713249e-08, 1.3064114e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 1, 'prob': array([2.0078469e-05, 9.9907070e-01, 8.9245419e-05, ..., 6.6533559e-08,
7.1365662e-08, 6.8764685e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 2, 'prob': array([3.0828053e-06, 9.6484597e-05, 9.9906868e-01, ..., 5.9190391e-08,
6.0995028e-08, 6.2322023e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 3, 'prob': array([7.4923842e-06, 1.1112734e-06, 1.1697492e-06, ..., 4.4295877e-08,
4.4563325e-08, 4.0475427e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 4, 'prob': array([4.6085161e-03, 2.8403942e-05, 2.0638861e-05, ..., 7.6083229e-09,
8.5255349e-09, 6.7836012e-09], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 5, 'prob': array([6.2119620e-06, 7.2357750e-07, 2.6231232e-06, ..., 7.4999367e-09,
9.0847436e-09, 7.5630142e-09], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 6, 'prob': array([4.4882968e-06, 2.2007227e-06, 8.3352124e-06, ..., 2.3130213e-09,
2.3657243e-09, 2.0045692e-09], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 7, 'prob': array([1.88617545e-04, 9.01482690e-06, 1.47353385e-05, ...,
3.38567552e-09, 3.97709154e-09, 3.37017392e-09], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 8, 'prob': array([1.9843496e-06, 4.5909755e-06, 4.8804057e-05, ..., 2.2636470e-08,
2.0094852e-08, 2.0215294e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 9, 'prob': array([2.5907659e-04, 4.4661370e-05, 6.9490757e-06, ..., 1.6249915e-08,
1.7579131e-08, 1.5439820e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 10, 'prob': array([3.6456138e-05, 7.5861579e-05, 3.0208937e-05, ..., 2.7859956e-08,
2.5423596e-08, 2.8662368e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 11, 'prob': array([1.1723863e-05, 9.1407037e-06, 4.8835855e-04, ..., 2.3693143e-08,
2.0524153e-08, 2.3223269e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 12, 'prob': array([1.2886175e-06, 2.6652628e-05, 2.7812246e-06, ..., 4.8295210e-08,
4.4282604e-08, 4.7342766e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 13, 'prob': array([3.3486103e-05, 1.3361238e-05, 3.6493871e-05, ..., 2.2195401e-09,
2.4768412e-09, 2.0150714e-09], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 14, 'prob': array([4.6108948e-05, 3.0377207e-05, 2.0945006e-06, ..., 4.2276231e-08,
5.2376720e-08, 4.4969173e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 15, 'prob': array([1.7165689e-04, 2.9350400e-05, 3.2283624e-05, ..., 7.1849078e-09,
7.6871531e-09, 6.6224697e-09], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 16, 'prob': array([5.9876328e-07, 3.0931276e-06, 1.5760432e-05, ..., 4.0450086e-08,
4.2720632e-08, 4.6017195e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 17, 'prob': array([2.6658317e-04, 9.9656281e-05, 4.0355867e-06, ..., 1.2873563e-08,
1.4808875e-08, 1.2155732e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 18, 'prob': array([1.4914459e-04, 2.1025437e-06, 1.2505146e-05, ..., 9.8899635e-09,
1.1115599e-08, 8.9312255e-09], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 19, 'prob': array([2.5615416e-04, 2.3750392e-05, 2.2886352e-04, ..., 3.9635733e-08,
4.5139984e-08, 3.8605780e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 20, 'prob': array([6.3949975e-04, 2.3652929e-05, 7.8577641e-06, ..., 2.0959168e-09,
2.5495863e-09, 2.0428985e-09], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 21, 'prob': array([8.2179489e-05, 8.4409467e-06, 5.4756888e-06, ..., 2.2360982e-09,
2.4820561e-09, 2.1206517e-09], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 22, 'prob': array([3.9681905e-05, 2.4394642e-06, 8.9102805e-06, ..., 2.0282410e-08,
2.1132811e-08, 1.8368105e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 23, 'prob': array([3.0794261e-05, 6.5104805e-06, 3.3528936e-06, ..., 2.0360846e-09,
1.9360573e-09, 1.7195430e-09], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 24, 'prob': array([3.4596618e-05, 2.2907707e-06, 2.5318438e-06, ..., 1.1038886e-08,
1.2148775e-08, 9.9556408e-09], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 25, 'prob': array([1.4846727e-03, 1.9189476e-06, 5.3232620e-06, ..., 3.1966723e-09,
3.5612517e-09, 3.0947123e-09], dtype=float32)}
which is correct. Notice the difference between two outputs is that the class
in the second one is increasing 1 by 1 while the class
in the first case shows 0s at most places.
Why is there a difference in the prediction? Am I saving the model in a wrong way?
Edit 1:
From this question, I came to know that Estimator
readily saved the checkpoints if the model_dir
argument is given. And loads the same graph when the same model_dir
is referred to. So I did this while saving the model:
classifier = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn=bag_of_words_model, model_dir="E:/models/")
I checked and found that checkpoints have been stored at E:/models/
. Now, the part where I want to restore the model, I wrote:
# Added model_dir args
classifier = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn=bag_of_words_model, model_dir="E:/models/")
# Predict.
test_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(
x={WORDS_FEATURE: x_test}, y=y_test, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False)
predictions = classifier.predict(input_fn=test_input_fn)
The logs gave me:
INFO:tensorflow:Using default config.
INFO:tensorflow:Using config: {'_model_dir': 'E:/models/', '_tf_random_seed': None, '_save_summary_steps': 100, '_save_checkpoints_steps': None, '_save_checkpoints_secs': 600, '_session_config': allow_soft_placement: true
graph_options {
rewrite_options {
meta_optimizer_iterations: ONE
, '_keep_checkpoint_max': 5, '_keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours': 10000, '_log_step_count_steps': 100, '_train_distribute': None, '_device_fn': None, '_protocol': None, '_eval_distribute': None, '_experimental_distribute': None, '_service': None, '_cluster_spec': <tensorflow.python.training.server_lib.ClusterSpec object at 0x0000028240FAB518>, '_task_type': 'worker', '_task_id': 0, '_global_id_in_cluster': 0, '_master': '', '_evaluation_master': '', '_is_chief': True, '_num_ps_replicas': 0, '_num_worker_replicas': 1}
WARNING:tensorflow:From E:\ml_classif\venv\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\estimator\inputs\queues\feeding_queue_runner.py:62: QueueRunner.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.training.queue_runner_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
To construct input pipelines, use the `tf.data` module.
WARNING:tensorflow:From E:\ml_classif\venv\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\estimator\inputs\queues\feeding_functions.py:500: add_queue_runner (from tensorflow.python.training.queue_runner_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
To construct input pipelines, use the `tf.data` module.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn.
INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn.
INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized.
2019-01-14 19:17:51.157091: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from E:/models/model.ckpt-100
INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op.
WARNING:tensorflow:From E:\ml_classif\venv\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\training\monitored_session.py:804: start_queue_runners (from tensorflow.python.training.queue_runner_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
which show that the model has been successfully reconstructed from the given model_dir
. I then try to predict the output on the test data but only to get the same output as the previous one:
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.8720157e-01, 1.9098983e-04, 8.6194178e-04, ..., 9.8885458e-08,
1.0560690e-07, 1.1116919e-07], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.9646854e-01, 7.3993037e-06, 1.6678940e-03, ..., 3.3662158e-08,
3.7401023e-08, 3.9902886e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.9418157e-01, 2.2869966e-05, 7.2757481e-04, ..., 7.2877960e-08,
8.5308180e-08, 8.7949694e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.8990846e-01, 2.0035572e-05, 5.0557905e-04, ..., 4.2098847e-08,
4.6305473e-08, 4.8882491e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.3541616e-01, 1.6300696e-03, 2.8230180e-03, ..., 3.4934112e-07,
3.5947951e-07, 3.8610020e-07], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 5, 'prob': array([4.5955207e-04, 3.9533910e-04, 2.9366053e-04, ..., 6.4991447e-08,
6.5079021e-08, 6.8886770e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.2468429e-01, 4.9159536e-04, 9.2872838e-03, ..., 1.0636869e-06,
1.1284576e-06, 1.1437518e-06], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.5501184e-01, 2.6409564e-04, 3.8474586e-03, ..., 1.4077391e-06,
1.4964197e-06, 1.4892942e-06], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.4813752e-01, 2.7400412e-04, 2.2020808e-03, ..., 2.9592795e-06,
3.0286824e-06, 3.0610188e-06], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.6341538e-01, 3.4047980e-04, 2.0810752e-03, ..., 6.5900326e-07,
6.7539651e-07, 7.0834898e-07], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.9541759e-01, 7.4490390e-06, 3.9836011e-04, ..., 5.1197322e-08,
5.6648332e-08, 5.9212919e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.9666804e-01, 1.2600798e-05, 3.1346193e-04, ..., 3.9119975e-08,
4.3912351e-08, 4.7076494e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.9582565e-01, 2.3773579e-05, 5.5219355e-04, ..., 8.2924736e-08,
9.1671566e-08, 9.3954029e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.4328243e-01, 1.5643415e-04, 3.1944674e-03, ..., 3.9115656e-07,
4.2140312e-07, 4.4074648e-07], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.9599898e-01, 1.3793178e-05, 6.0236652e-04, ..., 1.1893864e-07,
1.3845128e-07, 1.4301372e-07], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 15, 'prob': array([1.8115035e-03, 1.0454544e-03, 2.0831774e-03, ..., 4.5647434e-06,
5.0818121e-06, 4.9641203e-06], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.9594927e-01, 9.6870117e-06, 3.7690319e-04, ..., 1.1332005e-07,
1.2312253e-07, 1.3208249e-07], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.4268161e-01, 7.6396938e-04, 3.4147443e-03, ..., 5.8237259e-07,
5.8584078e-07, 5.9859877e-07], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 18, 'prob': array([1.2369211e-03, 7.1954611e-03, 3.4218519e-03, ..., 1.6767866e-06,
1.5141470e-06, 1.5795833e-06], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.9327940e-01, 2.4744159e-05, 8.3286857e-04, ..., 8.1387967e-08,
9.2638246e-08, 9.4754824e-08], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 18, 'prob': array([4.3461438e-02, 7.7443835e-03, 1.0502382e-02, ..., 6.1044288e-06,
6.4804617e-06, 6.6003668e-06], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.1440409e-01, 2.1251327e-04, 1.9904026e-03, ..., 9.9065488e-08,
1.0103827e-07, 1.0984956e-07], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 5, 'prob': array([4.2783137e-02, 1.3115143e-02, 1.6208552e-02, ..., 3.9897031e-06,
3.9228212e-06, 4.1420644e-06], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.0668356e-01, 6.9979503e-04, 4.9138898e-03, ..., 4.2717656e-07,
4.3982755e-07, 4.7387920e-07], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.3811822e-01, 1.6991694e-04, 2.0085643e-03, ..., 3.8740203e-07,
4.0521365e-07, 4.3191656e-07], dtype=float32)}
{'class': 0, 'prob': array([9.5434970e-01, 2.1576983e-04, 2.3911290e-03, ..., 7.2219399e-07,
7.4783770e-07, 7.9287622e-07], dtype=float32)}
Most of the classes are again 0
. Why is this happening? Is there any alternative that could help me?
Accuracy is a metric used in classification problems used to tell the percentage of accurate predictions. We calculate it by dividing the number of correct predictions by the total number of predictions. This formula provides an easy-to-understand definition that assumes a binary classification problem.
Model. predict passes the input vector through the model and returns the output tensor for each datapoint. Since the last layer in your model is a single Dense neuron, the output for any datapoint is a single value. And since you didn't specify an activation for the last layer, it will default to linear activation.
Instead of using model.save ('my_model'), use model.save ('my_model.h5'). This simple addition of the extension h5 made the prediction of the model before saving to be the same as the prediction of the model after loading it.
For evaluating loaded models later, then adding or not adding the regularization has no effect on the (garbage) predictions. I've had the same problem you explained for a while but with no solution.
If i save a model from session 1 and load it in session 2 and use two exactly the same data to perform inference, the results are different. To be more specific, the inference results from the session in which the model was built is much better compared to results from a different session using the same model.
For evaluating loaded models later, then adding or not adding the regularization has no effect on the (garbage) predictions. Sorry, something went wrong. Yes.
Finally, I got the answer. The model was saved and loaded correctly. The problem was that the x_test
which I was passing to the prediction with saving/loading and without saving/loading was different (I know, I am really sorry for this mistake). The x_test
w/o saving/loading the model had values +1 than the x_test
w/ saving/loading. This was suggested to me by a tensorflow
developer on github where I had opened up the issue.
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