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Python Asyncio - RuntimeError: Cannot close a running event loop

I'm trying to resolve this error: RuntimeError: Cannot close a running event loop in my asyncio process. I believe it's happening because there's a failure while tasks are still pending, and then I try to close the event loop. I'm thinking I need to await the remaining responses prior to closing the event loop, but I'm not sure how to accomplish that correctly in my specific situation.

 def start_job(self):

        if self.auth_expire_timestamp < get_timestamp():
            api_obj = api_handler.Api('Api Name', self.dbObj)
            self.api_auth_resp = api_obj.get_auth_response()
            self.api_attr = api_obj.get_attributes()

        except aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError as e:
            api_obj = api_handler.Api('API Name', self.dbObj)
            self.api_auth_resp = api_obj.get_auth_response()
            self.api_attr = api_obj.get_attributes()

async def do_stuff(self, data):

    tasks = []

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        for row in data:
            task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.async_post('url', session, row))
        result = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

def queue_manager(self, method):
    self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    future = asyncio.ensure_future(method)

async def async_post(self, resource, session, data):
        async with session.post(self.api_attr.api_endpoint + resource, headers=self.headers, data=data) as response:
            resp = []
                headers = response.headers['foo']
                content = await response.read()
            except KeyError as e:
                logging.error('KeyError at async_post response')
        return resp

def shutdown(self):
    //need to do something here to await the remaining tasks and then I need to re-start a new event loop, which i think i can do, just don't know how to appropriately stop the current one.
    return True

How can I handle the error and properly close the event loop so I can start a new one and essentially re-boot the whole program and continue on.


This is what I'm trying now, based on this SO answer. Unfortunately, this error only happens rarely, so unless I can force it, i will have to wait and see if it works. In my queue_manager method I changed it to this:

except Exception as e:


I got rid of the shutdown() method and added this to my queue_manager() method instead and it seems to be working without issue:

    except Exception as e:
like image 994
hyphen Avatar asked Aug 15 '18 16:08


1 Answers

To answer the question as originally stated, there is no need to close() a running loop, you can reuse the same loop for the whole program.

Given the code in the update, your queue_manager could look like this:

except Exception as e:

Cancelling future is not necessary and as far as I can tell has no effect. This is different from the referenced answer which specifically reacts to KeyboardInterrupt, special because it is raised by asyncio itself. KeyboardInterrupt can be propagated by run_until_complete without the future having actually completed. Handling Ctrl-C correctly in asyncio is very hard or even impossible (see here for details), but fortunately the question is not about Ctrl-C at all, it is about exceptions raised by the coroutine. (Note that KeyboardInterrupt doesn't inherit from Exception, so in case of Ctrl-C the except body won't even execute.)

I was canceling the future because in this instance there are remaining tasks pending and i want to essentially remove those tasks and start a fresh event loop.

This is a correct thing to want to do, but the code in the (updated) question is only canceling a single future, the one already passed to run_until_complete. Recall that a future is a placeholder for a result value that will be provided at a later point. Once the value is provided, it can be retrieved by calling future.result(). If the "value" of the future is an exception, future.result() will raise that exception. run_until_complete has the contract that it will run the event loop for as long as it takes for the given future to produce a value, and then it returns that value. If the "value" is in fact an exception to raise, then run_until_complete will re-raise it. For example:

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
fut = loop.create_future()
loop.call_soon(fut.set_exception, ZeroDivisionError)
# raises ZeroDivisionError, as that is the future's result,
# manually set

When the future in question is in fact a Task, an asyncio-specific object that wraps a coroutine into a Future, the result of such future is the object returned by the coroutine. If the coroutine raises an exception, then retrieving the result will re-raise it, and so will run_until_complete:

async def fail():

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
fut = loop.create_task(fail())
# raises ZeroDivisionError, as that is the future's result,
# because the coroutine raises it

When dealing with a task, run_until_complete finishing means that the coroutine has finished as well, having either returned a value or raised an exception, as determined by run_until_complete returning or raising.

On the other hand, cancelling a task works by arranging for the task to be resumed and the await expression that suspended it to raise CancelledError. Unless the task specifically catches and suppresses this exception (which well-behaved asyncio code is not supposed to do), the task will stop executing and the CancelledError will become its result. However, if the coroutine is already finished when cancel() is called, then cancel() cannot do anything because there is no pending await to inject CancelledError into.

like image 193
user4815162342 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10
