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How to determine the module name to filter a specific Python warning?

With Python one can filter specific warnings using the following command line syntax:

-W action:message:category:module:line

But how can one determine the correct value for module for a particular warning?

Consider the following example:

Using (pipenv --python 3.6.5 install lxml==4.2.4)

> python -W error -c "from lxml import etree"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "src/lxml/etree.pyx", line 75, in init lxml.etree
  File "src/lxml/_elementpath.py", line 56, in init lxml._elementpath
ImportWarning: can't resolve package from __spec__ or __package__, falling back on __name__ and __path__

If one wanted to ignore only that specific import warning, how does one find the module name to use? None of the following commands appear to be correct. They all still emit the warning.

python -W error -W ignore::ImportWarning:lxml -c "from lxml import etree"
python -W error -W ignore::ImportWarning:lxml.etree -c "from lxml import etree"
python -W error -W ignore::ImportWarning:lxml._elementpath -c "from lxml import etree"
python -W error -W ignore::ImportWarning:etree -c "from lxml import etree"
python -W error -W ignore::ImportWarning:_elementpath -c "from lxml import etree"
python -W error -W 'ignore::ImportWarning:lxml[.*]' -c "from lxml import etree"
like image 244
Ian Mackinnon Avatar asked Sep 20 '18 12:09

Ian Mackinnon

People also ask

How do I suppress a specific warning?

If we don't want to fix the warning, then we can suppress it with the @SuppressWarnings annotation. This annotation allows us to say which kinds of warnings to ignore.

How do I remove deprecation warning in Python?

If you wish to squelch deprecation warnings, you can start Python with -Wi::Deprecation. This sets all deprecation warnings to ignored. There is also an Astropy-specific AstropyDeprecationWarning which can be used to disable deprecation warnings from Astropy only.

How do you stop a runtime warning in Python?

import warnings warnings. filterwarnings('ignore') print('The script still runs. ') To suppress any warnings in the script, import the warnings library, and pass the filterwarnings() function the argument ignore .

1 Answers

the ImportWarning warnings, in fact, is from import.c, but you need to filter with _frozen_importlib, the stacks in the warning message are incomplete and internal stacks are omitted. you could obtain this info by overridden warnings.showwarning:

import warnings

def showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line):

warnings.showwarning = showwarning
warnings.resetwarnings() # allow all warnings

from lxml import etree

you could verify this by:

python -Werror::ImportWarning:_frozen_importlib -c 'import lxml.etree'

btw ImportWarning is ignored by default.

like image 115
georgexsh Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09
