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Getting parent's parent from current node in Xpath 2.0





I always seem to have trouble with xpath axis expressions...

In some expressions I have used ../ to refer to the parent node, but is that not valid for test expressions? Or is my syntax just wrong?

<xsl:when test="../../[@status='current']">

My goal is to apply an attribute inside the xsl:when IF the parent's parent has a status attribute with a value of 'current'.

EDIT: self::parent/parent[@status='current'] is a valid xpath expression and may be what I want, can anyone confirm? I might not be going far enough.

like image 382
meder omuraliev Avatar asked Aug 06 '12 18:08

meder omuraliev

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How do you access the parent of a node with XPath?

Hey Hemant, we can use the double dot (“..”) to access the parent of any node using the XPath. For example – The locator //span[@id=”first”]/.. will return the parent of the span element matching id value as 'first.

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Current node is the node that the XPath processor is looking at when it begins evaluation of a query. In other words, the current node is the first context node that the XPath processor uses when it starts to execute the query. During evaluation of a query, the current node does not change.

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The difference between parent:: and ancestor:: axis is conveyed by their names: A parent is the immediately direct ancestor. So, yes /a/b/c/d/ancestor::*[1] would be the same as /a/b/c/d/parent::* .

1 Answers

The problem is in /[. You can change it to

like image 131
choroba Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 20:10
