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Get Twitter User Name after oauth Authentication

Using oAuth i can able to sucessfully login and forward it back to my asp.net application.

how can i get the username of the authenticated person. At this point i just have an authenticated oAuth.

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vamsivanka Avatar asked Aug 25 '09 20:08


3 Answers

The verify_credentials API request will return information about the currently logged in user.

Also, Twitter's response to an OAuth access token request (i.e. the last part of the OAuth login procedure) responds with the user's screen name and Twitter user ID alongside the usual oauth token and secret.

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David Carrington Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 14:10

David Carrington

Here is the code that use oauth authentication 1.0.

Login with twitter using oauth authentication in asp.net and get access token, screen name and userid.

    OAuthHelper oauthhelper = new OAuthHelper();
    string requestToken = oauthhelper.GetRequestToken();

     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oauthhelper.oauth_error))

Return Url.

    if (Request.QueryString["oauth_token"] != null && Request.QueryString["oauth_verifier"]!=null)
        string oauth_token = Request.QueryString["oauth_token"];
        string oauth_verifier = Request.QueryString["oauth_verifier"];

        OAuthHelper oauthhelper = new OAuthHelper();
        oauthhelper.GetUserTwAccessToken(oauth_token, oauth_verifier);

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oauthhelper.oauth_error))
            Session["twtoken"] = oauthhelper.oauth_access_token;
            Session["twsecret"] = oauthhelper.oauth_access_token_secret;
            Session["twuserid"] = oauthhelper.user_id;
            Session["twname"] = oauthhelper.screen_name;

            Response.Write("<b>AccessToken=</b>" + oauthhelper.oauth_access_token);
            Response.Write("<br /><b>Access Secret=</b>" + oauthhelper.oauth_access_token_secret);
            Response.Write("<br /><b>Screen Name=</b>" + oauthhelper.screen_name);
            Response.Write("<br /><b>Twitter User ID=</b>" + oauthhelper.user_id);

Get oAuthHelper and oAuthUttility Classes and understand how it works Login with twitter using oauth authentication in asp.net and get access token, screen name and userid.

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Rohit Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 14:10


Using Twitterizer library, here is a code snippet.

OAuthTokenResponse reqToken = OAuthUtility.GetAccessToken(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, requestToken);

long UserID = reqToken.UserId;

string ScreenName = reqToken.ScreenName;

I've posted a sample code on my blog. http://www.fairnet.com/post/2010/09/05/Twitter-authentication-using-OAuth.aspx

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Farooq Kaiser Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 14:10

Farooq Kaiser