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How to get id from Add using UnitOfWork pattern?

I am using the UnitOfWork pattern to abstract database access in my Asp.Net application. Basically I follow the UnitOfWork pattern approach described here:


However, I'm struggling to understand, how I will get the Id of a newly added item. Like if I want to add a new customer to my Customer repository, how will I get the customer id? The problem is that Add and Commit are decoupled, and the Id is not known until after Commit.

Is there a way to get the id of an added item, using the UnitOfWork pattern?

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brinch Avatar asked Jan 25 '17 22:01


People also ask

How do I get identity value in EF core?

EF execute each INSERT command followed by SELECT scope_identity() statement. SCOPE_IDENTITY returns the last identity value inserted into an identity column in the same scope. The above example will execute the following SQL in the database. WHERE @@ROWCOUNT = 1 AND [StudentID] = scope_identity();

What is the unit of work pattern?

Unit of Work is the concept related to the effective implementation of the repository pattern. non-generic repository pattern, generic repository pattern. Unit of Work is referred to as a single transaction that involves multiple operations of insert/update/delete and so on.

What is the Rightway to include a Repostitory into a controller?

By taking advantage of dependency injection (DI), repositories can be injected into a controller's constructor. the following diagram shows the relationship between the repository and Entity Framework data context, in which MVC controllers interact with the repository rather than directly with Entity Framework.

Why do we use unit of work pattern?

The unit of work class serves one purpose: to make sure that when you use multiple repositories, they share a single database context. That way, when a unit of work is complete you can call the SaveChanges method on that instance of the context and be assured that all related changes will be coordinated.

5 Answers

My approach is as follows. Simply continue working with the added entity as an object. So instead of returning it's ID, return the added object itself. Then, at some point (typically in the controller) you will call UoW.Commit(); and as a result, the Id property of the added entity will contain the updated value.

At this point, you can start using the Id property and for example store it in a cookie as you said.

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Dejan Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10


Note that I dont want my EF model classes to propagate to my domain layer

I have done a workaround. I think it works pretty well

When you want a repository, for example of DbCars, and you insert a new DomainCar you want to get that Id that was only generated when SaveChanges() is applied.

public DomainCar //domain class used in my business layers
    public int Id{get;set;}
    public string Name{get;set;}

public DbCar //Car class to be used in the persistence layer
    public int Id{get;set;}
    public string Name{get;set;}
    public DateTime CreatedDate{get;set;}
    public string CreatedBy{get;set;}

First you create a generic IEntity interface and a class implementing it:

public interface IEntity<T>
    T Id { get; }

public class Entity<T> : IEntity<T>
    dynamic Item { get; }
    string PropertyName { get; }
    public Entity(dynamic element,string propertyName)
        Item = element;
        PropertyName = propertyName;
    public T Id
            return (T)Item.GetType().GetProperty(PropertyName).GetValue(Item, null);

Then in your add method of the repository you return a IEntity of the type of your Id:

public IEntity<int> AddCar(DomainCar car)
    var carDb=Mapper.Map<DbCar>(car);//automapper from DomainCar to Car (EF model class)
    var insertedItem=context.CARS.Add(carDb);
    return new Entity<int>(insertedItem,nameof(carDb.Id));

Then , somewhere you are calling the add method and the consequent Save() in the UnitofWork:

using (var unit = UnitOfWorkFactory.Create())
   IEntity<int> item =unit.CarsRepository.AddCar(new DomainCar ("Ferrari"));
   unit.Save(); //this will call internally to context.SaveChanges()
   int newId= item.Id; //you can extract the recently generated Id
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X.Otano Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10


The problem here is that the id is generated by the database, so we need to call SaveChanges so that the database generates the id and EntityFramework will fix the entity up with the generated id.

So what if we could avoid the database roundtrip?

One way to do this is to use a uuid instead of an integer as an id. This way you could simply generate a new uuid in the constructor of your domain model and you could (pretty) safely assume that it would be unique across the entire database.

Of course choosing between a uuid and an integer for the id is an entire discussion of its own: Advantages and disadvantages of GUID / UUID database keys But at least this is one point in favor of a uuid.

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Nicky Muller Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10

Nicky Muller

Unit of work should be a transaction for the entire request.

Simply just return the person id from the newly created object.

Depending on what technology you are using for your data access this will differ, but if you are using Entity Framework, you can do the following:

var person = DbContext.Set<Person>().Create();

// Do your property assignment here


return person.Id;

By creating the Person instance this way, you get a tracked instance that allows for lazy loading, and using the Id property, as it will be updated when SaveChanges is called (by ending your unit of work).

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Martin Fletcher Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09

Martin Fletcher

Instead of IDENTITY, I use SEQUENCE at database level. When a new entity is being created, first, I get the next value of the sequence and use it as Id.


CREATE SEQUENCE dbo.TestSequence

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](
    [Id]    [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT (NEXT VALUE FOR dbo.TestSequence),
    [Name]  [nvarchar](200) NOT NULL,


public enum SequenceName

public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
    DbSet<TEntity> Set<TEntity>() where TEntity : class;
    void Commit(SqlContextInfo contextInfo);
    int NextSequenceValue(SequenceName sequenceName);

public class UnitOfWork : MyDbContext, IUnitOfWork
    public void Commit(SqlContextInfo contextInfo)
        using (var scope = Database.BeginTransaction())

    public int NextSequenceValue(SequenceName sequenceName)
        var result = new SqlParameter("@result", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int)
            Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output
        Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"SELECT @result = (NEXT VALUE FOR [{sequenceName.ToString()}]);", result);
        return (int)result.Value;

internal class TestRepository
    protected readonly IUnitOfWork UnitOfWork;
    private readonly DbSet<Test> _tests;

    public TestRepository(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
        UnitOfWork = unitOfWork;
        _tests = UnitOfWork.Set<Test>();

    public int CreateTestEntity(NewTest test)
        var newTest = new Test
            Id = UnitOfWork.NextSequenceValue(SequenceName.TestSequence),
            Name = test.Name
        return newTest.Id;
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Sandor Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09
