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how to create message box in public static void method

I have a public static method and I would like a message to be displayed if certain values are selected. This is in ASP.NET so adding using System.Windows.Forms; causes problems because I am using using System.Web.UI.WebControls;. So how do I create a message?

public static void UpdateSerialQtyRcvd(int SerNoID, int QtyRcvd)
     if (SerNo.QtyRcvd != 1)
         if (SerNo.Reason == "")

Javascript behing the code:

function UpdateSerialQtyRcvd(sender, SerNoID, QtyRcvd) {
        if (QtyRcvd < 0) {
            alert("Qty Rcvd must be greater than 0");
        else {
            PageMethods.UpdateSerialQtyRcvdUserControl(SerNoID, QtyRcvd, OnUpdateSuccess, OnUpdateFail);

Calling the web method:

public static void UpdateSerialQtyRcvdUserControl(int SerNoID, int QtyRcvd)
     JobDeliveryDebrief.UpdateSerialQtyRcvd(SerNoID, QtyRcvd);
like image 908
user123456789 Avatar asked Aug 13 '15 13:08


People also ask

What is a public static void method?

The keyword public static void main is the means by which you create a main method within the Java application. It's the core method of the program and calls all others. It can't return values and accepts parameters for complex command-line processing.

What is the difference between public static void and public void in C#?

static: It means Main Method can be called without an object. public: It is access modifiers which means the compiler can execute this from anywhere. void: The Main method doesn't return anything.

Can static method be void?

static means that the method is associated with the class, not a specific instance (object) of that class. This means that you can call a static method without creating an object of the class. void means that the method has no return value. If the method returned an int you would write int instead of void .

2 Answers

This method show a message. The UpdateSerialQtyRcvd is in a WebUserControl.ascx as you want:

public static void UpdateSerialQtyRcvd(System.Web.UI.Page pg)
     pg.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(pg.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('Message');</script>");

Now you can add your if-statement like this:

public static void UpdateSerialQtyRcvd(System.Web.UI.Page pg, int qtyRcvd)
     if (qtyRcvd != 1)
          //if (SerNo.Reason == "")
                pg.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(pg.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('Message');</script>");

Now you can call to UpdateSerialQtyRcvd static method from every page that has registered the WebUserControl.ascx. like this:


<%@ Register Src="~/WebUserControl2.ascx" TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="WebUserControl2" %>
<uc1:WebUserControl2 runat="server" id="WebUserControl2" />


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
like image 35
Salah Akbari Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 02:10

Salah Akbari

Add a JavaScript alert:


To use ClientScript inside a static method pass the Page object as a parameter to your static method.Page is not static class.You can not call non static fields inside static method.So you need to pass the page object to your static method as a parameter.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     UpdateSerialQtyRcvd(SerNoID, QtyRcvd,Page);

public static void UpdateSerialQtyRcvd(int SerNoID, int QtyRcvd,Page page)
    if (SerNo.QtyRcvd != 1)
        if (SerNo.Reason == "")
            page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(page.GetType(),"alert", "<script>alert('Hai');</script>");
like image 165
shreesha Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 01:10
