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Get one object from observable array

How do you write a function that takes an Observable<T[]> and returns Observable<T>?

For example, I have two methods:

getTransactions(): Observable<Transaction[]>{
getTransaction(id: number): Observable<Transaction>{
    return this.getTransactions().pipe(find(txn => txn.id === id));

I get the error that type 'Observable' is not assignable to type 'Observable'. Type 'Transaction[] is not assignable to type 'Transaction'. Property 'id' is missing in type 'Transaction[]'.

As I understand, the observable pipe functions (map, single, find, max, etc.) pertain to a stream of data (i.e., while the observable is emitting multiple items over time) and are not useful when the observable emits a single item (which happens to be an array) at once.

What is the proper way to write the getTransaction(id) function? I tried:

let transactions : Transaction[] = [];
this.getTransactions().subscribe(txns => transactions=txns);
return of(transactions.find(txn => txn.id === id));

But this causes an error saying 'transaction' is undefined. I'm very new to Angular etc. so any instruction is helpful. Thank you!


I'm using:
Angular CLI: 6.0.3
Angular: 6.0.1
rxjs: 6.1.0

like image 244
BobtheMagicMoose Avatar asked May 21 '18 17:05


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1 Answers

You need to be treating the observable value as though it is a stream of arrays, rather than attempting to treat it like a stream of streams of items. The values in your observable are single points of data that each contain their own array.

getTransaction(id: number): Observable<Transaction>{
    return this.getTransactions().pipe(
        map(txs => txs.find(txn => txn.id === id))

What you're doing here is mapping each array in your stream into whatever item has an ID that matches the parameter.

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bryan60 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09
