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Which is a better practice, having a shared service vs @Input data withing multiple components? [closed]



If I pass a service into my main.ts I can access it anywhere without having to call a new provider within my child components. In that service, I have variables that are changing.

Would it be better to send those variables to each child component, grandchild component, ..etc or just call the service in my component to get those variables when I need them?

like image 766
Adam j Avatar asked Jul 17 '16 06:07

Adam j

3 Answers

If I understood the question correctly, we might also need to think of 2 diff aspects associated with these decisions.

@Input/@Output - Helps make your components independent and Not Tied to any particular service. Assuming it is a pure component, that relies completely on the Input received to produce Output; which is definitive, easily testable, very loosely coupled to the other portions of the application; hence high re-usability is encouraged and easily possible.

Changing Data of Variables - UI State Management is of supreme importance and is probably very core for Angular 2 apps, to my understanding till date. ngrx/store is the Redux in Reactive world and does this well. In this way we can keep data transformations predictive, testable and the data can be referred back anytime by any service/container components as needed and can be passed in the component chain.

like image 108
Divs Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10


  • @Input API is used when you have parent-child-grandchild scenario. When you have routing and sibling components , @Input API will not help you everywhere. You have to manage in parent and child, if you want two way communication. Later, over the time it becomes complex to manage.
  • When you have routing and parent-child-grandchild / sibling components, you can go with shared service. If variables are changing in service, you can update component using RXjs library. You have to manage everything in one place and subscribe to observable in component where you plan to use service.
  • So, I according to me shared service is a good solution with Rxjs library. You can make service singleton by injecting it into bootstrap function.

    like image 39
    Nikhil Shah Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10

    Nikhil Shah

    The @Input and @Output decorators are mainly to share data from parent-child and child-parent respectively - nested components.

    With a shared service and an RxJS, non-nested components can also subscribe to the property and act accordingly when changed. Below is the simple example that emits a new value when this.myService.update() method is called from anywhere within an application:

    // myservice.ts
    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';
    export class MyService {
      wat$: Subject<any>;
      constructor() {
        this.wat$ = new Subject();
      update() {
        this.wat$.next(new Date().getTime());

    Then the component relied on the service can subscribe to and act.

    // mycomponent.ts
    export class MyComponent {
      constructor(private myService: MyService) {
        this.myService.wat$.subscribe((value) => {
           // do something with the new value
    like image 43
    codef0rmer Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10
