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Angular reactive form hidden input not binding?



I have a reactive form where I create the controls from my data model. Initially, everything is sorted by a datapoint called the "processingOrder" in numerical order.

Within my form array, I am using *ngFor to iterate over controls and store the index in a hidden form control. If I move a record up or down in my table, the index thats being applied to the hidden field should reflect the change in my model right?

<form [formGroup]="rulesForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(form)">
<div formGroupName="ruleData">
   <div formArrayName="rules">
      <div *ngFor="let child of rulesForm.controls.ruleData.controls.rules.controls; let i = index">
         <div formGroupName="{{i}}">
            <input type="text" placeholder="Rule Name" formControlName="name"/> &nbsp; 
            <input type="text" placeholder="Rule Description" formControlName="description"/> &nbsp;
            <input type="text" placeholder="Processing Order" formControlName="processingOrder"/> &nbsp;
            <button class="button" (click)="move(-1, i)">Move Up</button> &nbsp; 
            <button class="button" (click)="move(1, i)">Move Down</button>

            <!-- Why doesn't this update my model when it gets a new index? -->
            <input type="hidden" formControlName="processingOrder" [value]="i">

<button type="submit">Submit</button>

I would have expected that in my plunker, the processing order numbers should always remain in the 1-5 order and each time a rule is moved up or down, the model is updated to the new index it received.


like image 343
SBB Avatar asked Sep 28 '17 21:09


People also ask

Is data binding done in Reactive forms?

We can perform Two way binding in Template driven forms but there is no two way binding in Reactive forms. Angular provides the methods to update the values from the component class. Reactive forms are used on complex cases, like dynamic forms element, dynamic validations etc.

Is NG model used in Reactive forms?

You can use [(ngModel)] with Reactive forms. This will a completely different directive than the one that would be used without the formControlName . With reactive forms, it will be the FormControlNameDirective . Without the formControlName , the NgModel directive would be used.

1 Answers

formControlName directive has ngModel input which is bound to control's model and when changed from the code will update all its instances on view. So, just replace [value]="i" with [ngModel]="i + 1":

<input type="hidden" formControlName="processingOrder" [ngModel]="i + 1">

binding to HTML input's property value ([value]="i + 1") will update current input on the view but won't update control's model, thus won't affect another instances with the same control name.

You also can remove hidden input and place [value]="i + 1" on the text input:

<input type="text" 
       placeholder="Processing Order" 
       [ngModel]="i + 1"

please note that processingOrder value will always be overridden by ngFor's index i

2021 UPDATE :) be aware of ngModel (with reactive form directives) deprecation since NG6:

Support for using the ngModel input property and ngModelChange event with reactive form directives has been deprecated in Angular v6 and is scheduled for removal in a future version of Angular.

like image 67
Andriy Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10
