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Functions that return a function



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What is a function that returns a function?

In general a function that returns a function is the same as a function with an extra argument (possibly with lazier evaluation) so often there will not be a special name for this.

Which functions return a value?

A return is a value that a function returns to the calling script or function when it completes its task. A return value can be any one of the four variable types: handle, integer, object, or string. The type of value your function returns depends largely on the task it performs.

Can a function return another function in JavaScript?

When a return statement is used in a function body, the execution of the function is stopped. If specified, a given value is returned to the function caller. For example, the following function returns the square of its argument, x , where x is a number. If the value is omitted, undefined is returned instead.

Can a function return a function in Python?

Function returning another function in Python As we know functions are treated as first-class objects in Python, therefore we can return a function from another function. A first-class object is an object that can be assigned to a variable, passed as an argument to a function, or used as a return value in a function.

Assigning a variable to a function (without the parenthesis) copies the reference to the function. Putting the parenthesis at the end of a function name, calls the function, returning the functions return value.


function a() {
//alerts 'A', returns undefined

function b() {
  return a;
//alerts 'B', returns function a

function c() {
  return a();
//alerts 'C', alerts 'A', returns undefined

alert("Function 'a' returns " + a());
alert("Function 'b' returns " + b());
alert("Function 'c' returns " + c());

In your example, you are also defining functions within a function. Such as:

function d() {
  function e() {
  return e;
//alerts 'E'

The function is still callable. It still exists. This is used in JavaScript all the time. Functions can be passed around just like other values. Consider the following:

function counter() {
  var count = 0;
  return function() {
var count = counter();

The function count can keep the variables that were defined outside of it. This is called a closure. It's also used a lot in JavaScript.

Returning the function name without () returns a reference to the function, which can be assigned as you've done with var s = a(). s now contains a reference to the function b(), and calling s() is functionally equivalent to calling b().

// Return a reference to the function b().
// In your example, the reference is assigned to var s
return b;

Calling the function with () in a return statement executes the function, and returns whatever value was returned by the function. It is similar to calling var x = b();, but instead of assigning the return value of b() you are returning it from the calling function a(). If the function b() itself does not return a value, the call returns undefined after whatever other work is done by b().

// Execute function b() and return its value
return b();
// If b() has no return value, this is equivalent to calling b(), followed by
// return undefined;

return b(); calls the function b(), and returns its result.

return b; returns a reference to the function b, which you can store in a variable to call later.

Returning b is returning a function object. In Javascript, functions are just objects, like any other object. If you find that not helpful, just replace the word "object" with "thing". You can return any object from a function. You can return a true/false value. An integer (1,2,3,4...). You can return a string. You can return a complex object with multiple properties. And you can return a function. a function is just a thing.

In your case, returning b returns the thing, the thing is a callable function. Returning b() returns the value returned by the callable function.

Consider this code:

function b() {
   return 42;

Using the above definition, return b(); returns the value 42. On the other hand return b; returns a function, that itself returns the value of 42. They are two different things.

When you return b, it is just a reference to function b, but not being executed at this time.

When you return b(), you're executing the function and returning its value.

Try alerting typeof(s) in your examples. Snippet b will give you 'function'. What will snippet a give you?

Imagine the function as a type, like an int. You can return ints in a function. You can return functions too, they are object of type "function".

Now the syntax problem: because functions returns values, how can you return a function and not it's returning value?

by omitting brackets! Because without brackets, the function won't be executed! So:

return b;

Will return the "function" (imagine it like if you are returning a number), while:

return b();

First executes the function then return the value obtained by executing it, it's a big difference!

Create a variable:

var thing1 = undefined;

Declare a Function:

function something1 () {
    return "Hi there, I'm number 1!";

Alert the value of thing1 (our first variable):

alert(thing1); // Outputs: "undefined".

Now, if we wanted thing1 to be a reference to the function something1, meaning it would be the same thing as our created function, we would do:

thing1 = something1;

However, if we wanted the return value of the function then we must assign it the return value of the executed function. You execute the function by using parenthesis:

thing1 = something1(); // Value of thing1: "Hi there, I'm number 1!"