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For which indexes there are no entry in the Index Usage Stats Table?

I am trying to find which indexes are not used in order to clear them and reduce SQL Server index maintenance.

So, I have managed to extract two queries based on the official documentation and other articles(like this one):

The first one is returning not used indexes based on the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats:

DECLARE @MinimumPageCount INT = 0

SELECT object_name(IDX.[object_id]) AS [Table]    
      ,IDX.[name] AS [Index] 
      ,PHS.[page_count] AS [Page_Count]
      ,CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), PHS.page_count * 8 / 1024.0) AS [Total Size (MB)]
      ,CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), PHS.avg_fragmentation_in_percent) AS [Frag %]
      ,PRS.row_count AS [Row Count]
      ,CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), (PHS.page_count * 8.0 * 1024) / PRS.row_count) AS [Index Size/Row (Bytes)]
FROM [sys].[dm_db_index_usage_stats] US
INNER JOIN [sys].[indexes] IDX
    ON IDX.[index_id] = US.[index_id]
    AND IDX.[object_id] = US.[object_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_db_index_physical_stats] (DB_ID(),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL) AS PHS
    ON PHS.[index_id] = US.[index_id] 
    AND PHS.[object_id] = US.[object_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_db_partition_stats] PRS
    ON PRS.[index_id] = US.[index_id]
    AND PRS.[object_id] = US.[object_id]  
    -- showing only not used indexes 
        US.[user_scans] = 0
    AND US.[user_seeks] = 0
    AND US.[user_lookups] = 0
    AND US.[system_scans] = 0
    AND US.[system_seeks] = 0
    AND US.[system_lookups] = 0
    -- ignore indexes with less than a certain number of pages of memory
    AND PHS.page_count > @MinimumPageCount
    -- exclude clustered and heaps tables
    AND US.[index_id] > 1
    --current db only 
    AND US.[database_id]= DB_ID()
ORDER BY [Page_Count] DESC

The second one is extracting similar information for indexes for which there are no extries in the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats like this:

DECLARE @dbid INT =  DB_ID()

SELECT DB.Name AS [Database]
      ,OBJ.NAME AS [Table]
      ,IDX.NAME AS [Index]
      ,PHS.page_count AS [Page Count]
      ,CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), PHS.page_count * 8 / 1024.0) AS [Total Index Size (MB)]
      ,CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), PHS.avg_fragmentation_in_percent) AS [Fragmentation (%)]
FROM [sys].[indexes] IDX
    ON IDX.[object_id] = OBJ.[object_id]
LEFT JOIN [sys].[dm_db_index_physical_stats] (@dbid, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) PHS
    ON PHS.[object_id] = IDX.[object_id] 
    AND PHS.[index_id] = IDX.[index_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[databases] DB
    ON DB.[database_id] = PHS.[database_id]
WHERE OBJ.[type] = 'U' -- Is User Table
    AND IDX.[is_primary_key] = 0
    AND IDX.[index_id] NOT IN 
        FROM [sys].[dm_db_index_usage_stats] US
        WHERE US.[object_id] = IDX.[object_id]
            AND IDX.[index_id] = US.[index_id]
            AND [database_id] = @dbid
    AND IDX.[index_id] > 1
ORDER BY PHS.[page_count] DESC
        ,IDX.[name] ASC

Looking the query above, the only filtering that is made is based on if there is a entry in the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats for the particular index.

So, is there a rule that if there is no entry the index is not used?

like image 798
gotqn Avatar asked Feb 06 '14 08:02


People also ask

Can a table have no index?

A table without a clustered index is called a heap. With a heap, the data is not ordered by an index, so data is not stored in any particular order.

Are there any cases when it is not recommended to use an index?

Indexes should not be used on small tables. Indexes should not be used on columns that return a high percentage of data rows when used as a filter condition in a query's WHERE clause. For instance, you would not have an entry for the word "the" or "and" in the index of a book.

What happens when there is no index on a column of a table?

If the table has no PRIMARY KEY or suitable UNIQUE index, InnoDB internally generates a hidden clustered index named GEN_CLUST_INDEX on a synthetic column containing row ID values. The rows are ordered by the ID that InnoDB assigns to the rows in such a table.

What is an index and why would you use not use an index?

Indexes are a special kind of lookup table that is used by the database search engine to speed up data retrieval from the tables. Basically, an index is a pointer that points to the tuples of a table. An index in a database is very similar to an index in the back of a book.

1 Answers

The first query you gave searches for unused indexes. The sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats function has fields [user_scans],[user_seeks], [user_lookups], [system_scans], [system_seeks], [system_lookups]. If they are all 0 then according to your own link this means the index was never used.

The second query gives the indexes where there are no usage statistics available. According to your link the records for the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats function are set to zero on every restart and deleted when the database is detached or is shut down. So if the index was never used since a database detach or shut-down there will be no usage statistic row for it.

This link you have allready given but I give it again for completeness of my answer: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188755.aspx

like image 167
Pieter Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10
