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MySQL Selecting between ANY and ALL




I have a mysql Table T1 consisting of two columns of INTs that links a car_id to a part_id. A single car_id can have multiple part_ids, and the same part_id can correspond to more than one car_id. For example,

car_id   part_id
  1        1  
  1        2  
  1        8  
  2        3  
  3        4  
  4        2  
  4        6  
  10       1  
  10       2  
  20       1  
  20       2  
  20       8  

To get all the part_ids associated with car_id = 1, I run the query,

SELECT car_id, part_id FROM T1 WHERE car_id=1

and get the result:

car_id   part_id
  1        1  
  1        2  
  1        8    

Now, I want to find all the remaining car_ids that contain at least (say >= 2/3) of the part_ids associated with car_id=1. (In this example, I should get all car_ids that have at least 2 of the part_ids 1,2, and 8 as shown after my SELECT query. So, I should get car_ids 1,10, and 20).

I can find the car_ids that contain All of the part_ids 1,2, and 8 using:

SELECT car_id, part_id 
      FROM T1 
      WHERE part_id = ALL (SELECT part_id FROM T1 WHERE car_id=1). The result is car_ids 1 and 20.  

I can find the car_ids that contain ANY of the values 1,2, and 8 using:

SELECT car_id, part_id 
       FROM T1 
       WHERE part_id = ANY (SELECT part_id FROM T1 WHERE car_id=1). The result is car_ids 1,4,10 and 20.

How can I specify some number between ANY and ALL?

like image 301
user1930297 Avatar asked Dec 26 '12 17:12


People also ask

How do I select between values in MySQL?

The MySQL BETWEEN operator can be used with SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE and INSERT statements. The two values provided in the BETWEEN operator are inclusive. For example, BETWEEN 10 and 20 means retrieving records that fall between these two values including 10 and 20.

What is the difference between any and all in MySQL?

ANY means that the condition will be satisfied if the operation is true for any of the values in the range. ALL means that the condition will be satisfied only if the operation is true for all values in the range.

How do I use between keywords in MySQL?

BETWEEN in MySQL is generally used with the SELECT statements, and with INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE queries. The syntax of BETWEEN clause is: expression BETWEEN first_value AND second_value. BETWEEN operator first validates whether a record lies in the provided range or not.

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The range access method uses a single index to retrieve a subset of table rows that are contained within one or several index value intervals. It can be used for a single-part or multiple-part index.

1 Answers

To get all car_ids that have 2 or more of car 1's part_ids do

SELECT car_id, 
       group_concat(part_id) as part_ids
WHERE part_id in (SELECT part_id FROM T1 WHERE car_id = 1)
group by car_id
having count(distinct part_id) >= 2
like image 120
juergen d Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10

juergen d