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Flutter SVG rendering




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Is SVG good for Flutter?

Although Flutter doesn't support SVG natively, the Dart-native flutter_svg package has excellent performant and fast support for SVG files.

How is SVG rendered?

SVG uses a "painters model" of rendering. Paint is applied in successive operations to the output device such that each operation paints onto some area of the output device, possibly obscuring paint that has previously been layed down.

Fonts are a great option for a lot of cases.

I've been working on a library to render SVGs on a canvas, available here: https://github.com/dnfield/flutter_svg

The API as of right now would look something like

new SvgPicture.asset('asset_name.svg')

to render asset_name.svg (sized to its parent, e.g. a SizedBox). You can also specify a color and blendMode for tinting the asset..

It's now available on pub and works with a minimum of Flutter version 0.3.6. It handles a bunch of cases but not everything - see the GitHub repo for updates and to file issues.

The original GitHub issue referenced by Colin Jackson is really not meant to be primarily focused on SVG in Flutter. I opened another issue here for that: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/15501

Flutter does not currently support SVG. Follow issue 1831 for updates.

If you absolutely need vector drawing you can see the Flutter Logo widget as an example of how to draw using the Canvas API, or rasterize your image on the native side and pass it to Flutter as a bitmap, but for now your best bet is probably to embed high-resolution rasterized asset images.

Developers from the Flutter community created a lib to handle svg files. We can use it as

new SvgPicture.asset(
  height: 20.0,
  width: 20.0,
  allowDrawingOutsideViewBox: true,

I found a small example of SVG implementation here.

The work around for now is use fonts


   - family: icomoon
       - asset: assets/fonts/icomoon.ttf


  static const IconData TabBarHome= const IconData(0xe906, fontFamily: 'icomoon');
  static const IconData TabBarExplore= const IconData(0xe902, fontFamily: 'icomoon');

Replace the ### eg (906)

You can follow the below steps
- visit http://fluttericon.com
- upload your SVG icons
- click on download button
- you will get two files
1. iconname.dart
2. iconname.ttf font file
- use this file in flutter & import iconname.dart