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Fluent assertion for OR condition


I am trying to set up the fluent assertion for the below condition. But couldnt find a method with expression or an ObjectAssertion with Or().

I got to check the status of my service is of enum value Pending or Active


I want something like,


Could someone please help me achieving this.

FluentAsserstions Version : 4.1.1 (Latest from Nuget) Attaching the 4.1 FluentAssertions.Primitive namespace.

 // Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: FluentAssertions.Primitives.ObjectAssertions // Assembly: FluentAssertions.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=33f2691a05b67b6a // MVID: 090116C5-E9A5-4878-B62E-DE0EBFEBBE14 // Assembly location: C:\RA\P4V\BOSS\trunk\M5Portal\packages\FluentAssertions.4.1.1\lib\net45\FluentAssertions.Core.dll  using FluentAssertions; using FluentAssertions.Common; using FluentAssertions.Execution; using System; using System.Diagnostics;  namespace FluentAssertions.Primitives {   /// <summary>   /// Contains a number of methods to assert that an <see cref="T:System.Object"/> is in the expected state.   ///    /// </summary>   [DebuggerNonUserCode]   public class ObjectAssertions : ReferenceTypeAssertions<object, ObjectAssertions>   {     /// <summary>     /// Returns the type of the subject the assertion applies on.     ///      /// </summary>     protected override string Context     {       get       {         return "object";       }     }      public ObjectAssertions(object value)     {       this.Subject = value;     }      /// <summary>     /// Asserts that an object equals another object using its <see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object)"/> implementation.     ///      /// </summary>     /// <param name="expected">The expected value</param><param name="because">A formatted phrase as is supported by <see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> explaining why the assertion     ///             is needed. If the phrase does not start with the word <i>because</i>, it is prepended automatically.     ///             </param><param name="reasonArgs">Zero or more objects to format using the placeholders in <see cref="!:because"/>.     ///             </param>     public AndConstraint<ObjectAssertions> Be(object expected, string because = "", params object[] reasonArgs)     {       Execute.Assertion.BecauseOf(because, reasonArgs).ForCondition(ObjectExtensions.IsSameOrEqualTo(this.Subject, expected)).FailWith("Expected {context:object} to be {0}{reason}, but found {1}.", expected, this.Subject);       return new AndConstraint<ObjectAssertions>(this);     }      /// <summary>     /// Asserts that an object does not equal another object using its <see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object)"/> method.     ///      /// </summary>     /// <param name="unexpected">The unexpected value</param><param name="because">A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not     ///             start with the word <i>because</i>, it is prepended to the message.     ///             </param><param name="reasonArgs">Zero or more values to use for filling in any <see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> compatible placeholders.     ///             </param>     public AndConstraint<ObjectAssertions> NotBe(object unexpected, string because = "", params object[] reasonArgs)     {       Execute.Assertion.ForCondition(!ObjectExtensions.IsSameOrEqualTo(this.Subject, unexpected)).BecauseOf(because, reasonArgs).FailWith("Did not expect {context:object} to be equal to {0}{reason}.", unexpected);       return new AndConstraint<ObjectAssertions>(this);     }      /// <summary>     /// Asserts that an object is an enum and has a specified flag     ///      /// </summary>     /// <param name="expectedFlag">The expected flag.</param><param name="because">A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not     ///             start with the word <i>because</i>, it is prepended to the message.     ///             </param><param name="reasonArgs">Zero or more values to use for filling in any <see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> compatible placeholders.     ///             </param>     public AndConstraint<ObjectAssertions> HaveFlag(Enum expectedFlag, string because = "", params object[] reasonArgs)     {       Execute.Assertion.BecauseOf(because, reasonArgs).ForCondition(this.Subject != null).FailWith("Expected type to be {0}{reason}, but found <null>.", (object) expectedFlag.GetType()).Then.ForCondition(this.Subject.GetType() == expectedFlag.GetType()).FailWith("Expected the enum to be of type {0} type but found {1}{reason}.", (object) expectedFlag.GetType(), (object) this.Subject.GetType()).Then.Given<Enum>((Func<Enum>) (() => this.Subject as Enum)).ForCondition((Func<Enum, bool>) (@enum => @enum.HasFlag(expectedFlag))).FailWith("The enum was expected to have flag {0} but found {1}{reason}.", (Func<Enum, object>) (_ => (object) expectedFlag), (Func<Enum, object>) (@enum => (object) @enum));       return new AndConstraint<ObjectAssertions>(this);     }      /// <summary>     /// Asserts that an object is an enum and does not have a specified flag     ///      /// </summary>     /// <param name="unexpectedFlag">The unexpected flag.</param><param name="because">A formatted phrase explaining why the assertion should be satisfied. If the phrase does not     ///             start with the word <i>because</i>, it is prepended to the message.     ///             </param><param name="reasonArgs">Zero or more values to use for filling in any <see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> compatible placeholders.     ///             </param>     public AndConstraint<ObjectAssertions> NotHaveFlag(Enum unexpectedFlag, string because = "", params object[] reasonArgs)     {       Execute.Assertion.BecauseOf(because, reasonArgs).ForCondition(this.Subject != null).FailWith("Expected type to be {0}{reason}, but found <null>.", (object) unexpectedFlag.GetType()).Then.ForCondition(this.Subject.GetType() == unexpectedFlag.GetType()).FailWith("Expected the enum to be of type {0} type but found {1}{reason}.", (object) unexpectedFlag.GetType(), (object) this.Subject.GetType()).Then.Given<Enum>((Func<Enum>) (() => this.Subject as Enum)).ForCondition((Func<Enum, bool>) (@enum => [email protected](unexpectedFlag))).FailWith("Did not expect the enum to have flag {0}{reason}.", new object[1]       {         (object) unexpectedFlag       });       return new AndConstraint<ObjectAssertions>(this);     }   } } 
like image 821
Raghav Avatar asked Jan 07 '16 11:01


People also ask

What is fluent assertion?

Fluent Assertions is a set of . NET extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style unit test.

Why are assertions fluent?

Fluent Assertions are important in unit testing because they allow the code to be easily read and followed. This makes it easier to determine whether or not an assertion is being met. As a result, everyone can easier read and understand unit tests, making it easier to locate the failing assert.

2 Answers

You can use Match for this case.

ServiceStatusKey.Should().Match<Status>(p=>p==Status.Pending || p == Status.Active); 

FluentAssertions does not support an Or()-statement. Use Match() for general purpose assertions.

like image 97
Jehof Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10


Try this way:

(services.Status == Status.Pending || services.Status == Status.Active).Should().BeTrue("Message when it is false."); 
like image 25
Dushyant Kotecha Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10

Dushyant Kotecha