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Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module


I have created a simple project which uses babel and webpack. I have checked it in here


In my root folder I have two files script1.js and script2.js. My webpack.config.js looks like

module.exports = {     entry : {         main: [             'script1.js', 'script2.js'         ]     },     output : {         filename: 'public/main.js'     },     "module" : {         "loaders" : [             {                 "test": /\.jsx?/,                 "exclude": /node_modules/,                 loader: 'babel',                 query: {                     presets: ['es2015', 'react']                 }                            }         ]     } } 

but when I run webpack. it cannot find any javascript files

ERROR in multi main Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'script1.js' in /Users/abhishek.srivastava/MyProjects/MovieLensReact  @ multi main  ERROR in multi main Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'script2.js' in /Users/abhishek.srivastava/MyProjects/MovieLensReact  @ multi main 
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Knows Not Much Avatar asked Jan 23 '16 21:01

Knows Not Much

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1 Answers

In nodejs, when you call require("script1.js") it won't search in the current folder.

You have to use require("./script2.js"), to specify that the file is in the current folder.

In your case, modify the config file with main: ['./script1.js', './script2.js'].

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Pierre Emmanuel Lallemant Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Pierre Emmanuel Lallemant