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How to store ansible_become_pass in a vault and how to use it?


I am a newbie to ansible and I am using a very simple playbook to issue sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade on a couple of servers.

This is the playbook I am using:

---  - name: Update Servers   hosts: my-servers   become: yes   become_user: root   tasks:     - name: update packages       apt: update_cache=yes      - name: upgrade packages       apt: upgrade=dist 

and this is an extract from my ~/.ansible/inventory/hosts file:

[my-servers] san-francisco ansible_host=san-francisco ansible_ssh_user=user ansible_become_pass=<my_sudo_password_for_user_on_san-francisco> san-diego     ansible_host=san-diego     ansible_ssh_user=user ansible_become_pass=<my_sudo_password_for_user_on_san-diego> 

This is what I get if I launch the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook update-servers-playbook.yml                                                                                                                                       PLAY [Update Servers] **********************************************************  TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [san-francisco] ok: [san-diego]  TASK [update packages] ********************************************************* ok: [san-francisco] ok: [san-diego]  TASK [upgrade packages] ******************************************************** ok: [san-francisco] ok: [san-diego]  PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* san-francisco              : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    san-diego                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0 

What is bothering me is the fact that I have the password for my user user stored in plaintext in my ~/.ansible/inventory/hosts file.

I have read about vaults, I have also read about the best practices for variables and vaults but I do not understand how to apply this to my very minimal use case.

I also tried to use lookups. While in general they also work in the inventory file, and I am able to do something like this:

[my-servers] san-francisco ansible_host=san-francisco ansible_ssh_user=user ansible_become_pass="{{ lookup('env', 'ANSIBLE_BECOME_PASSWORD_SAN_FRANCISCO') }}" 

where this case the password would be stored in an environment variable called ANSIBLE_BECOME_PASSWORD_SAN_FRANCISCO; there is no way to look up variables in vaults as far as I know.

So, how could I organize my file such that I would be able to lookup up my passwords from somewhere and have them safely stored?

like image 999
CristianCantoro Avatar asked May 18 '16 10:05


2 Answers

You need to create some vaulted variable files and then either include them in your playbooks or on the command line.

If you change your inventory file to use a variable for the become pass this variable can be vaulted:

[my-servers] san-francisco ansible_host=san-francisco ansible_ssh_user=user ansible_become_pass='{{ sanfrancisco_become_pass }}' san-diego     ansible_host=san-diego     ansible_ssh_user=user ansible_become_pass='{{ sandiego_become_pass }}' 

Then use ansible-vault create vaulted_vars.yml to create a vaulted file with the following contents:

sanfrancisco_become_pass: <my_sudo_password_for_user_on_san-francisco> sandiego_become_pass    : <my_sudo_password_for_user_on_san-diego> 

Then either include the vaulted file as extra vars like this:

ansible-playbook -i ~/.ansible/inventory/hosts playbook.yml --ask-vault-pass -e@~/.ansible/inventory/vault_vars 

Or include the vars file in your playbook with an include_vars task:

- name        : include vaulted variables   include_vars: ~/.ansible/inventory/vault_vars 
like image 187
ydaetskcoR Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10


The best way to solve this problem is to use host_vars. The easiest setup is to just put the ansible_become_pass in Vault encrypted files in the corresponding host_vars directories like this:

myplaybook.yml host_vars/onehost.com/crypted host_vars/otherhost.com/crypted 

In the crypted files you place the assignment of the ansible_become_pass variable:

ansible_become_pass: SuperSecre3t 

Create the file with ansible-vault create, edit it with ansible-vault edit.

Following the advice in the Ansible docs you need to create an additional file per host that assigns the ansible_become_passwd from the crypted variable that has a different name. That way it is possible to search for the ansible_become_passwd in the project files.

myplaybook.yml host_vars/onehost.com/plain host_vars/onehost.com/crypted host_vars/otherhost.com/plain host_vars/otherhost.com/crypted 

where a plain file contains something like this:

ansible_become_pass: "{{ vaulted_become_pass }}" 

and the crypted file sets the vaulted_become_pass like shown above.

All crypted files must be encrypted with the same key and ansible-playbook must be called with --ask-vault-pass.

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ofrommel Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
